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This is a good school Since the previous inspection, the headteacher and deputy headteacher have maintained the school's overall effectiveness. They have also made some successful improvements to the quality of teaching, learning and assessment, and pupils' achievements across the school. Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities make strong progress from their starting points, particularly in reading and writing.
In 2017, the proportion of pupils in Year 2 working at greater depth from each starting point was at or above the national average in reading, writing and mathematics. The proportion of pupil...s achieving the expected standard at the end of Year 1 in the phonics screening check has risen. In 2017, it was broadly in line with the national average.
Leaders ensure that the curriculum provides stimulating experiences that enable pupils to learn well across a range of subjects. The pupils want to learn. With few exceptions, they behave well in lessons and around school.
They have good relationships with adults and each other. The quality of provision in the early years is a strength. Children achieve well from their starting points and are suitably prepared for Year 1.
Staff support those who speak English as an additional language exceptionally effectively. Adults provide a language-rich environment, and pupils have many opportunities to discuss their learning throughout the school day. Leaders use a range of effective strategies to improve pupils' attendance.
Although some of these have proved successful, pupils' attendance remains below the national average and requires further improvement. Teachers do not deploy teaching assistants as skilfully as they could in subjects other than English and mathematics. This slows some pupils' learning and progress in these lessons.
Leaders have an accurate view of what the school needs to do to improve. However, school improvement priorities are not reliably communicated so that staff and governors can contribute even more effectively. Governors do not have a clear enough understanding of pupils' achievement to hold leaders fully to account for the attainment and progress of different groups of pupils.
Information about this school
In September 2017, there was a change of governance to share the governing board with the neighbouring junior school in preparation for a federation of the two schools. Foxdell Infant School is an average-sized primary school. Most pupils are from Asian or Asian British backgrounds, although there is an increasing proportion of pupils from Eastern European backgrounds.
The proportion of pupils for whom English is an additional language is well above the national average. The proportion of pupils who are recorded as disadvantaged and who are supported by the pupil premium is in line with the national average. The school does not meet requirements on the publication of information about development of the curriculum on its website.
Leaders report that a significant number of parents do not give the school correct
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.