Freebrough Academy

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About Freebrough Academy

Name Freebrough Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Michael Garthwaite
Address Linden Road, Saltburn-By-the-Sea, TS12 2SJ
Phone Number 01287676305
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 814
Local Authority Redcar and Cleveland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Freebrough Academy receive an exceptional education. This is a school where pupils' academic success and strength of character are of equal importance.

Leaders set high expectations for everyone at the school. Staff and pupils share strong relationships.

Common values of kindness, tolerance and respect are important to everyone within the school community.

Bullying is very rare. Pupils have confidence that staff would deal with any of their concerns quickly. Inappropriate language, racism or homophobia have no place at the school.

Pupils receive important messages about different faiths and cultures so that they are well prepared for life b...eyond school.

Pupils exhibit very positive attitudes to their education. They engage enthusiastically in their lessons, responding well to searching questions posed by staff.

Nevertheless, there are still some pupils who choose to make the wrong decision when it comes to managing their own behaviour. Leaders and staff have been successful in improving most pupils' attitudes towards their education. Pupils who require further support to improve their behaviour receive this quickly.

Leaders' commitment and success in developing pupils' character and personal values are first class. Pupils appreciate the importance of good manners, respect and putting others first. They take part in food hamper collections, fundraising and volunteering.

Pupils' opinions are valued by leaders. Everyone has a voice and an opportunity to do their very best at this school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff have transformed the school.

Since joining the multi-academy trust (the trust), the quality of education pupils receive has improved significantly. Furthermore, pupils' personal development is a standout feature across the school. Safeguarding arrangements are much stronger too.

Leaders at all levels have an ambitious vision for school improvement. Their commitment to pupils' education and well-being is particularly strong. Trustees and governors have a wide range of skills and experience.

They use these to support and challenge school leaders well.

The curriculum and subject content from which pupils learn is exceptional. Leaders have considered precisely what should be taught and when.

There are planned opportunities for pupils to revisit important knowledge so that it is not forgotten. The curriculum is very ambitious. Pupils study a wide range of subjects including those in the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), which includes English, mathematics, science, a language, and either history or geography.

Staff are passionate, skilled and knowledgeable. They ask targeted questions in lessons that develop pupils' knowledge and understanding. Teachers adapt their lessons to meet the needs of all pupils well, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The additional resourced provision for pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the school provides high-quality specialist support. Pupils with ASD use the provision regularly for academic and pastoral sessions. Many pupils achieve exceptionally well, including those with SEND.

Assessment is used very effectively. Staff know where pupils have gaps in their knowledge and address these quickly. Feedback is often provided directly to pupils in lessons so that pupils can correct any misunderstandings immediately.

In some subjects, pupils are beginning to make complex connections between their learning over time. For example, in English, where pupils use what they have learned about an author's technique to understand new, more complex pieces of writing.

Leaders ensure pupils have the opportunity to read a wide range of texts in lessons and for pleasure.

A strong culture of reading exists across the school. Many pupils, including those with SEND, borrow books regularly from the school library. Pupils who are at an early stage of learning to read benefit from additional support.

This helps them improve their reading rapidly.

Pupils receive a wide, rich set of experiences. Opportunities to learn beyond the classroom are vast.

Pupils take part in educational visits, trips abroad, and they engage with local employers. Careers education is of a high quality. Pupils value the guidance they receive to help them make careful choices about their future.

Pupils have access to a broad range of extra-curricular activities. These include sports, creative clubs and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Pupils participate in wider school life with enthusiasm.

This commitment is rewarded through the 'iAspire' programme, achievement events and 'Extra Applause' awards from staff.

Leaders plan regular professional development that is of a high quality. Staff value the many training opportunities they receive.

Professional development has a significant, positive impact on the quality of teaching, learning and leadership. Staff who work at the school are proud to do so. Leaders consider their well-being when making decisions.

Staff are happy, fulfilled and share the vision of leaders to provide an exceptional education for all pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders with responsibility for safeguarding are knowledgeable and experienced.

Staff are well trained to identify when pupils may be at risk of harm. When staff raise concerns, they are dealt with effectively by leaders. Pupils understand how to stay safe and are happy at the school.

Strong partnerships with a wide range of specialist agencies ensure that all pupils get the right support at the right time.

Leaders know the most vulnerable pupils well. Records of the actions they take to safeguard pupils are extremely thorough.

Pupils learn how to stay safe in person and online. Parents and governors receive important information on safeguarding matters. Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the school.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A small minority of pupils are not aspiring to meet the behaviour expectations set at the school. This sometimes disrupts pupils' learning. Leaders should continue their efforts to improve the attitudes to learning and behaviour of a small minority of pupils so that disruptions to learning are reduced even further.

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