Front Lawn Primary Academy

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About Front Lawn Primary Academy

Name Front Lawn Primary Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kate Couldwell
Address Broadmere Avenue, Leigh Park, Havant, PO9 5HX
Phone Number 02392475904
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 439
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders and staff are highly ambitious for pupils. They work tirelessly so that pupils do as well as possible, are safe and really enjoy their time at Front Lawn Primary Academy (FLPA).

Leaders have created a supportive, caring and vibrant school where everyone is respected. Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent. Pupils are taught to be kind and accepting of each other.

They rise to staff's high expectations admirably. As a result, pupils' achievement is exceptional across all subjects. They conduct themselves in a mature and courteous way.

Pupils are clearly proud to belong to this thriving school. Their parents and carers agree. Almost all wo...uld recommend the school.

Pupils enjoy numerous enrichment opportunities. They take part in regular educational trips such as visiting the British Museum as part of their 'Ancient Civilisations' history topic. Pupils choose from a rich range of extra-curricular clubs such as music, art, drama and sports.

They are able to develop their talents and interests very well.

Leaders make sure that the school's 'positive powers' are woven throughout daily life. Pupils challenge themselves constantly to try new things, to not give up or to show understanding towards others.

Pupils are very well prepared for the next stage in their lives.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a very clear vision for the pupils at FLPA. Ably supported by local governors, trustees and wider trust staff, they are determined that the school is a 'gateway of opportunity' for all pupils.

This vision is impressively realised, notably for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Leaders have made curriculum development a priority. They have considered what pupils should learn and remember very carefully and precisely.

The curriculum is designed so that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), get the same learning opportunities. In early years, skilled staff focus meticulously on developing children's social, communication and mathematical skills. Across the school, staff use well-chosen teaching strategies that really help pupils to understand complex ideas.

Teachers check pupils' understanding thoroughly, addressing any misconceptions straight away. Staff adapt their teaching very well for pupils with SEND. This means that all pupils make strong links in their learning.

For example, in history, pupils discuss the impact of colonialism confidently, linking it to earlier world empires.

Leaders prioritise learning to read, write and speak well. Right from the start of Nursery, pupils enjoy regular stories and rhymes.

Children are taught phonic sounds and they practise writing letters. This means that when they move into Reception, they get off to a flying start. The school's phonics programme works very well.

Staff ensure that pupils' books are well matched to their phonic knowledge. The well- stocked libraries and classroom book boxes mean that pupils read regularly and widely. Staff quickly spot any pupil falling behind with reading and give extra support.

Staff help pupils to become articulate and confident when speaking. Pupils can debate themes such as diversity and equality in a very mature and considered way.

Leaders have successfully created a culture where excellent behaviour and high attendance are part of daily life.

Routines are very well established, and the school day runs like clockwork. Using warmth, understanding and positivity, staff show pupils what great behaviour looks like. Pupils respond very well.

In early years, children thrive thanks to the highly nurturing environment created by staff. Across the school, pupils are motivated and focused. They try hard even if work is difficult.

If a pupil struggles to control their behaviour, staff get them back on track skilfully and sensitively. Very occasionally, pupils use inappropriate language. Staff deal with this swiftly.

They make sure that pupils understand why this is not acceptable.

Leaders have developed an exemplary personal development curriculum. They make sure that pupils with SEND and those from disadvantaged backgrounds benefit most from this excellent offer.

From early years, the curriculum supports pupils' understanding and appreciation of different faiths, cultures and ways of life. Pupils are taught how to be good citizens and play an active part in the community. They take part in beach cleans or befriend elderly residents in the local care home.

Leaders place a high priority on pupils' well-being. They provide many opportunities for pupils to eat well and have fun while taking physical exercise during the school day.

Staff are very proud to work here.

They go above and beyond to ensure pupils are safe and well. Staff appreciate that leaders are mindful of their workload. Leaders ensure staff receive a wealth of excellent training.

This means that staff expertise is very high.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an extremely strong culture of safeguarding in the school.

Leaders ensure that staff are well trained and confident to report any concerns that they may have about a child. The skilled and dedicated pastoral team knows pupils very well. The pastoral team works regularly with external partners and is determined to get the best possible support for vulnerable children and their families.

Leaders ensure that recruitment checks are timely and thorough.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, both online and in the local community. Pupils know that they can talk to any adult if they are worried about something.

Also at this postcode
360 Holiday Camp Front Lawn

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