Fulham Cross Girls’ School and Language College

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About Fulham Cross Girls’ School and Language College

Name Fulham Cross Girls’ School and Language College
Website http://www.fulhamcross.net/
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Principal Ms Sally Brooks
Address Munster Road, Fulham, London, SW6 6BP
Phone Number 02073810861
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 525
Local Authority Hammersmith and Fulham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school provides a supportive and welcoming community. Leaders have developed a curriculum and ethos that are aspirational and meet the needs of all its pupils. Staff and pupils are fully on board with leaders' aims.

Pupils enjoy learning. They are proud to be members of the school.

Pupils learn about diversity.

They feel they are accepted for who they are, and learn to value others' views, choices and experiences. Helping pupils to grow into respectful citizens is central to the provision for personal development. Leaders seek out pupils' views on how to improve the school further and actively involve them in any decisions made.

Pupils particula...rly like taking part in a rich offer of wider opportunities beyond the academic curriculum.

Pupils are confident that on the rare occasions that bullying occurs, it will be dealt with effectively. Staff are quick to address any concerns that arise.

In lessons, pupils behave well, meaning that all can focus successfully on their learning.

Ensuring high expectations and equal opportunities are clear priorities. Leaders and staff are ambitious for all, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Teachers are knowledgeable about their subjects. They focus on helping pupils to learn and remember important knowledge. Pupils typically achieve well across the curriculum.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have established a curriculum that provides ambition, breadth and interest for all pupils. Pupils study a broad range of subjects in Years 7, 8 and 9. They continue to have a wide choice of academic and vocational subjects to choose from in Years 10 and 11.

Ensuring that pupils practise what they know is successfully woven through the curriculum. For example, weekly 'empower lessons' enable pupils to apply and extend their knowledge in different contexts.

In most subjects, leaders sequence pupils' learning carefully.

They ensure that pupils increase and deepen their knowledge progressively. Teachers deliver the curriculum through well-selected tasks and resources. Previous learning is revisited regularly and pupils' understanding of essential ideas is checked systematically.

Assessments focus purposefully on finding out if pupils are knowing more and remembering more in a subject. If pupils have gaps in their knowledge, teachers address these promptly. This includes any gaps in understanding that have arisen during the pandemic.

In most subjects, pupils receive tasks that reflect leaders' high expectations and pupils routinely produce high-quality work. Leaders ensure that pupils who need additional help, both with their well-being or academic learning, are identified. In most cases, these pupils, including those with SEND, benefit from adaptations that enable them to learn the same knowledge as everyone else.

This includes support in classrooms as well as extra help outside of timetabled lessons. On occasions, however, these adaptations are not sharply focused on helping pupils to overcome any barriers to learning.

Leaders promote a joy of reading, including through the use of 'library lessons'.

When pupils join the school, leaders quickly find out if they need additional support to read fluently and accurately. These pupils receive effective and timely extra help. They are encouraged to practise reading regularly.

At times, however, staff do not guide pupils to choose books that will help to develop reading fluency and confidence.

As well as providing and promoting a rich set of experiences for all pupils through the wider curriculum, leaders plan carefully to develop pupils' confidence and character. Pupils are taught about how to keep safe as well as treating others with kindness and respect.

Pupils learn to recognise their rights and responsibilities, and those of others. Leaders provide frequent leadership opportunities, for example, through becoming a 'kindness ambassador' or joining the school council. Careers guidance is well planned.

Pupils receive plentiful information on the options open to them in the future. Pupils are very well prepared for life in modern Britain. They learn to understand and value how they can make a positive difference to the lives of others.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are positive and classrooms are free from disruption.

Staff feel very well supported by leaders. They receive regular opportunities to develop professionally and feel their well-being is considered.

Governors support and monitor the school effectively, for example, through link governor visits.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have set up systems that are centred on the needs of each individual child.

They consider learning, attendance, and behaviour in identifying and addressing concerns about pupils' welfare. Leaders train staff to be vigilant and ensure that they are aware of key issues, including for instance, mental health and well-being. They also teach pupils how to stay safe through lessons and assemblies.

When concerns arise, staff share these promptly with the safeguarding team.

Leaders work closely with families and wider agencies to ensure the safety of pupils. This is greatly appreciated by pupils, who have access to a range of support on and off the site, especially for their mental health.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few instances, leaders' approaches to supporting and checking the learning of pupils, particularly those with SEND, are not followed consistently by all staff. This means that, occasionally, adaptations made for these pupils are not finely tuned to their needs. Leaders should ensure that all pupils, including those with SEND, benefit consistently from well-targeted adaptations that enable them to successfully learn the planned curriculum.

• Sometimes, pupils do not receive helpful guidance on what books to choose to practise their reading. At times, they choose books that do not fully support their progression in reading. Leaders and staff should support pupils to select reading books that help to increase pupils' reading fluency and confidence.

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