Fullwood Primary School

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About Fullwood Primary School

Name Fullwood Primary School
Website http://www.fullwoodprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Danvir Visvanathan
Address 21-24 Burford Close, Off Hatley Avenue, Ilford, IG6 1ER
Phone Number 02085513288
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 454
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Staff at Fullwood have consistently high expectations of what pupils can achieve. They are committed to the school's focus on 'enabling every child to achieve their best'.

Pupils enjoy coming to school and are kept safe. Relationships are warm and nurturing. Pupils behave exceptionally well.

They are respectful and polite to each other. Staff, parents, and pupils are rightly proud to be part of this school community.

The school's curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils have highly positive attitudes towards their education. This begins in early years where children coop...erate well with each other and are eager to join in. Across the curriculum, pupils take great pride in their work and achieve highly, including in national assessments.

The school provides an extensive range of activities to enrich pupils' experience. For example, 'Wider Opportunity Wednesdays' provide a varied and stimulating range of experiences, such as learning about developments in science, engineering and technology. Pupils relish taking up the responsibilities they are offered.

These include roles as learning advisors, bookworms, prefects, and school councillors. Older pupils are exemplary role models for younger pupils. The school ensures that all pupils can participate actively in the life of the school, including those with SEND.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school is aspirational for all pupils, including those with SEND. The broad and ambitious curriculum goes beyond the scope of what is expected nationally. Careful thought is given to the knowledge that pupils need to learn.

Leaders are highly reflective and make necessary changes and additions to the curriculum that reflect pupils' interests and current issues. The curriculum is carefully sequenced. This means that pupils build their knowledge and make connections in their learning, applying their understanding with increasing confidence.

For example, in computing, children in early years learn about giving instructions to mini robots. This supports older pupils to use algorithms and more detailed sequences. By Year 6, pupils demonstrate confidence using film-making software to create and edit videos.

Teachers have detailed subject knowledge and present information clearly. They adapt activities so that they meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND. They explain concepts precisely and address pupils' misconceptions.

Staff appreciate the regular opportunities they have, to engage in high-quality training. They use this to make improvements in the teaching of the curriculum.

The school has made reading a priority right from the start.

In Nursery, children begin to understand the sounds that letters make through joining in with stories, rhymes and songs. This helps build a foundation for when they start learning phonics in their Reception year. Staff have received effective training to implement the agreed phonics programme with precision.

As a result, pupils secure the knowledge they need to develop fluency through regular practice. Teachers carefully check for any gaps in pupils' understanding and confidence in reading. Staff provide extra help for these pupils, including those with SEND, when they need it.

The school continues to place emphasis on the importance of reading as pupils move through the school. For example, pupils enjoy book fairs, competitions and visits to the school library. They talk enthusiastically about the books they are reading.

The school identifies pupils with SEND carefully. All staff are ambitious for these pupils and work closely with external professionals to ensure that support is of a high standard. Pupils, including those with SEND, achieve very well across the curriculum.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. Children in the early years settle quickly into established routines. Pupils have high expectations of each other's behaviour and value kindness and respect.

They make a tangible contribution to the life of the school, readily supporting the well-being of others. Staff provide effective support for pupils who struggle with managing their behaviour, on the rare occasion that this happens. Pupils are considerate, curious, and keen to learn.

The school has recently revised its attendance policy and strengthened actions to ensure that pupils attend well. Any patterns of concern are identified swiftly. The school works closely with other agencies to make sure that pupils' welfare is carefully monitored and supported.

This is making a difference in reducing absence.

Fullwood goes beyond the expected and provides pupils with a rich range of experiences. These are linked closely to the curriculum, and to pupils' various talents and interests.

For example, pupils learn about different cultures and faith perspectives. Staff encourage pupils to discuss and debate ideas, which they do respectfully and with confidence. There is strong take-up of the many opportunities that the school provides, including by disadvantaged pupils.

The school's development of pupils' character is exceptional. Pupils are very well-prepared for the next stage of their education.

Staff are very proud to work at this school and share the same high aspirations for all pupils.

The culture of the school is one of mutual respect and professional collaboration. Governors have equally high ambitions of staff and pupils. They maintain close strategic oversight of the school's work and its impact.

They fulfil their statutory duties well, holding leaders to account and providing support where needed. The overwhelming majority of parents are extremely positive about the school and the education it provides for their children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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