Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

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About Fulwood and Cadley Primary School

Name Fulwood and Cadley Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kirsty France
Address Cadley Causeway, Fulwood, Preston, PR2 3QT
Phone Number 01772717087
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 313
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Main findings

This is a good school.

The headteacher, ably supported by the deputy headteacher, provides clarity and focus on raising standards in pupils' academic and personal development. Partnership work with schools, community organisations and outside agencies is increasingly driving improvement; partnership and engagement with parents and carers are outstanding. Parents and carers are very appreciative as to what the school does for their children and this is evident in comments such as, 'I find the staff of the school really encouraging, they help my child in her learning and there is a sense of belonging'.

Children generally enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with skills that are below the expe...cted level for their age, particularly in communication, language and literacy. As a result of good progress, most children attain the early learning goals expected for their age by the time they enter Year 1, although opportunities for children to explore learning in outdoor play are not as effective as they might be. Good progress across Key Stages 1 and 2 ensures that there is high attainment overall by the time pupils leave Year 6.

There are, however, differences year by year in the progress made by all groups of learners. While attainment by Year 6 is high and achievement outstanding, these inconsistencies limit the quality of pupils' learning and progress which is currently good. Teaching in Key Stages 1 and 2 is generally good and promotes pupils' progress.

There is evidence of outstanding teaching which ensures that pupils are challenged and progress is accelerated. In a few lessons, however, teaching is dominated by over long introductions and a lack of opportunities for pupils to develop independence and responsibility for their own learning. Assessment procedures, which include pupil progress reviews, ensure that pupils know how well they are doing and the necessary steps to further improve their progress.

The good curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to develop their basic skills and to understand how their learning is connected across different subjects. The curriculum is having a positive impact on pupils' motivation to learn. Pupils are very proud of their school and older pupils enjoy looking after the younger ones.

All classrooms provide a very caring and secure environment for pupils to learn with good support provided by teaching assistants. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are taught effectively and are well cared for by both staff and children. Pupils' behaviour is consistently good and there are positive relationships with their classmates and teachers.

Attendance has improved since the last inspection and is now above average. The school knows itself well: leaders, staff and members of the governing body have an accurate awareness of school performance in all areas of its life. Good self-evaluation processes link well and guide actions for improvement.

This together with good improvement since the last inspection demonstrates Fulwood and Cadley Primary has good capacity for further improvement.

Information about the school

Fulwood and Cadley is a larger than average primary school. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average.

The proportion of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is below average. About 70% of the pupils are from White British backgrounds, 16% from Indian backgrounds, and the remaining 14% from a range of minority ethnic heritages. A small minority of pupils are at the early stages of learning to speak English as an additional language.

Inspection grades: 1 is outstanding, 2 is good, 3 is satisfactory and 4 is inadequate Please turn to the glossary for a description of the grades and inspection terms

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