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Pupils are confident, happy and independent. They show kindness and respect to others and appreciate differences.
Pupils support each other and make sure they include everyone. They aim to make all feel welcome. Bullying happens rarely but when it does, pupils are confident staff deal with it quickly and effectively.
Pupils know they can tell teachers about anything worrying them and that adults will help. Leaders have taught pupils how to behave well, meaning disruption to learning is infrequent.
The expectations and ambitions leaders have for all pupils are high.
Pupils are learning well in most subjects. This is especially the case in early readin...g. Here, pupils quickly develop the knowledge and skills they need to become fluent readers.
Pupils enjoy reading and sharing the stories and books they have encountered. This includes those woven throughout the programme for personal, social and health education. Pupils are proud of their work and are keen to share it.
Leaders provide opportunities for all pupils to develop their talents and interests. Pupils regularly take part in performances and workshops, as well as a wide range of clubs. They also enjoy taking on responsibilities through the lunch and playground leader schemes, as well as being 'buddies' for younger pupils.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed a curriculum which reflects their high ambitions for pupils. This starts in the early years. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make effective progress towards these same ambitions, including those attending The Ocean Centre.
Pupils here are provided with the specialist support needed to be successful. Leaders also ensure children in Nursery and Reception have the knowledge and skills to be ready for their next stages. The curriculum leaders have created for these youngest children is carefully considered, including the purpose of the activities and the learning environment.
Children develop the communication, physical and emotional skills they need over time.
Although still in the early stages, the curriculum for phonics and reading is well delivered, meaning pupils make rapid progress. This includes in early years, where children become familiar with sounds and letters as soon as possible.
Leaders ensure pupils who need additional help with reading receive this quickly. In mathematics, pupils make use of the right vocabulary. They have a clear knowledge of what has been taught and use different methods to solve problems.
Teachers in these subjects carefully check that pupils have learned what they should have before moving on.
In some other subjects, the curriculum is less effectively designed. While still ambitious, leaders have not always identified the knowledge pupils need fully and the order in which this should be taught.
This means that some activities are not always well matched to what pupils need to learn. Therefore, teachers are not always able to check pupils have the knowledge needed to get better in those subjects. Leaders have not yet fully monitored how well some of these subjects are being delivered and the progress pupils are making.
Leaders' expectations of pupils' behaviour, including those with SEND, are high. Routines are embedded, and pupils are supported to manage their own emotions and behaviour. This begins in Reception and Nursery, where pupils learn to work together and develop their independence and resilience.
Where pupils need extra help with behaviour, leaders make sure staff are well equipped to provide this. Disruption to learning is rare. A small number of pupils do not attend school regularly enough, but leaders' actions are beginning to have a positive impact, ensuring pupils are not missing out on key learning.
Pupils' personal development is highly effective. Leaders are rightly proud of this. The programme they have designed is responsive to what pupils need at different points and develops carefully over time.
As a result, pupils talk confidently about how to develop positive and healthy relationships. These positive relationships are apparent throughout the school. Differences between people are regarded as a positive and are celebrated.
Leaders also provide a vast array of experiences for pupils. These include trips to the theatre, workshops with visiting speakers, competitions and clubs. Leaders monitor these to check all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds or with SEND, have the chance to take part in these activities and experiences.
Leaders are alert to both the well-being of pupils and staff. While they continue to find ways to make improvements to benefit pupils, they still check that workload is manageable. Governors are knowledgeable about the school and work with other leaders to evaluate the impact of any improvements.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have developed a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the school. They have ensured all staff are well trained and knowledgeable about risks.
Staff are provided with regular opportunities to revisit this learning. That includes governors, who also monitor safeguarding thoroughly. The systems to record concerns are robust, meaning needs are quickly identified and actions taken are appropriate.
Pupils who need support receive this help swiftly. This is partly through working with external agencies and the family centre. Pupils are taught how to stay safe effectively, including online.
They know how to report any concerns.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The curriculum in some subjects is not yet as carefully planned and consistently implemented as it could be. Leaders have not always identified and sequenced knowledge clearly.
Therefore, teachers are not able to systematically check pupils have acquired the knowledge they need. Pupils are not always fully confident in recalling and using important knowledge and skills. Leaders need to continue to develop the curriculum and monitor its implementation to ensure all pupils achieve as well as they could in all subjects.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.