Fynamore Primary School

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About Fynamore Primary School

Name Fynamore Primary School
Website http://www.fynamore.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jackie Zenonos
Address School Road, Calne, SN11 9UG
Phone Number 01249810090
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 405
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Fynamore Primary prides itself on being an inclusive school.

The school's vision, to 'provide a safe, nurturing environment' and the 'support every child needs to flourish', encapsulates what the school strives to achieve. The school is ambitious for all pupils to develop a passion for learning and to be ready for the next stage of learning.

Pupils understand the school's inclusive ethos.

They learn how to become responsible and respectful citizens. Pupils learn about diversity and equality. They understand it is important to value others' opinions, including those that may be different from their own.

Pupils recognise that being a good friend involv...es making sure they include everyone. They enjoy contributing to the local community by, for example, representing the school at the local community's Remembrance Day service.

Pupils are well mannered.

Most behave well. Their behaviour reflects the school values. Pupils enjoy receiving rewards such as the coveted 'values star' tokens.

This helps them to learn the importance of treating others with kindness.

Bullying is rare. Pupils are confident that there are adults to talk to if they are worried.

As a result, pupils feel safe.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum that helps pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding over time. The school has addressed previous weaknesses in provision that were evident in the most recent published outcomes.

It has implemented a new programme for phonics and an improved mathematics curriculum.

The school prioritises reading. Children learn to read as soon as they start school.

Staff have the training they need to deliver the programme. Pupils receive the support they need to become confident readers. Most pupils read books that match the sounds they know and have learned.

This helps them to develop fluency in reading. If pupils fall behind, staff provide support to help them catch up. Pupils enjoy reading and read widely.

They speak enthusiastically about their favourite books and authors. Some pupils say that, when reading, they like to picture it in their imagination, as it is 'like going into another world'.

The school has identified the knowledge that pupils need to know.

Some subjects in the wider curriculum are in the early stages of implementation or are undergoing further development, such as mathematics. Teaching helps pupils to build on what they already know. Teachers consider the small steps in learning pupils need to take.

As a result, most pupils can talk about and recall what they have learned with some confidence. However, there have been many changes to subject leadership. As a result, some subject leaders do not yet have a detailed understanding of the subject curriculum and its effectiveness.

Teachers check what pupils know and remember. However, assessment information is not used well in some subjects. It does not inform next steps in learning so that pupils extend and deepen their thinking.

The school's inclusive ethos ensures that staff know pupils well. This is particularly evident for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The school accurately identifies pupils' needs in a timely way.

Staff make appropriate adaptions so that pupils with SEND learn the full curriculum.

The school environment is calm. Staff expect pupils to behave well.

Most pupils understand expectations. Staff provide appropriate guidance to pupils who need additional support to behave well. Most pupils have positive attitudes to their learning.

They learn to be resilient. Pupils know it is important to keep trying when learning is tricky. They value the support they receive from staff.

Pupils enjoy taking on leadership roles. This includes librarians, play buddies and school councillors. School councillors are proud to have responsibility and a say in how to improve the school.

Those responsible for governance have an accurate view of the school's strengths and priorities for improvement. Staff appreciate the support they receive from leaders and value the training they receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment information is not used precisely enough in some subjects. As a result, teaching does not help all pupils to deepen and extend their learning. The school needs to ensure that assessment information informs next steps in learning so that pupils strengthen and deepen their knowledge across the curriculum.

• Many subject leaders are new to their roles. Leadership is not yet fully developed or expert in all areas of the curriculum. The school must develop expertise in subject leadership to ensure pupils learn and remember the most important curriculum content.

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