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Leaders have high expectations of pupils. These expectations are shared by all staff.
Leaders have established a new curriculum for all subjects. In most subjects, this curriculum is well taught. Leaders understand that reading is the key to the curriculum.
They ensure that pupils develop a love of reading. Pupils speak with enthusiasm about the books they have read and their favourite authors.
The school's motto 'Ready, respectful, safe' is well understood.
Pupils complete their work with determination. They are kind and help others. For example, playground buddies make sure that nobody is left out.
Leaders ensure that pupils are taught abo...ut safe relationships and how to be a good friend. On the rare occasion that bullying happens, leaders manage it well. Pupils are confident that adults will help them if they have any worries.
Leaders ensure that there are lots of opportunities for pupils to be active citizens. Pupils enjoy representing the views of other pupils on the school council. Some pupils are trained as mental health champions.
They help their classmates when they are worried about something.
Leaders ensure that pupils are punctual and attend well. For example, leaders have developed programmes using remote education to help pupils with medical needs to attend lessons.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have recently introduced a new programme to teach phonics. Staff have attended effective training to make sure they teach this programme well. Teachers make sure that pupils repeatedly practise reading the new sounds that they are learning in lessons.
Pupils read books that match the sounds they have learned. Teachers check carefully to make sure that pupils do not develop gaps in their phonics knowledge. Any pupils who need extra help receive additional phonics support, on the day it is needed, from skilled adults.
As a result, all pupils develop fluency and confidence in reading.
Leaders have created a well-sequenced curriculum in early years. Staff use the curriculum plans to provide a strong foundation to learning for all children.
Some children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have modified programmes. For example, adults provide extra support to develop communication and language and/or to develop independent use of equipment. Parents and carers are positive about the relationships they have with staff in the early years.
As a result of this groundwork, pupils make an effective transition into key stage 1.
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum in mathematics. They have ensured that pupils' knowledge builds from the early years through to Year 6.
Leaders work with staff to review units and whole-class assessments. In response, leaders have designed staff training for the more difficult aspects of mathematics. As a result, lessons are consistently delivered, and pupils are confident mathematicians.
For some subjects, such a science, subject leaders have created clear curriculum plans. These plans identify the specific knowledge that pupils should learn. In lessons, most teachers build on pupils' prior knowledge.
Teachers design interesting tasks that help pupils to remember the content that they are being taught. Teachers ask questions in lessons that encourage pupils to draw on their prior knowledge and explain their thinking. However, some teachers do not show a strong understanding of the subjects they teach.
They do not have the subject expertise to spot when pupils have misconceptions in their learning.
Leaders are quick to identify pupils with SEND. They work with external agencies and staff to ensure that these pupils are well supported in class.
Leaders write clear support plans that help staff to design appropriate learning activities. For example, pupils are provided with word mats to help them read and write in class. As a result, pupils with SEND experience the same curriculum as their classmates.
Leaders are committed to developing pupils' character and helping them to become active citizens. Pupils understand tolerance and respect. However, pupils do not have sufficiently rich opportunities to develop an understanding of equality and the rule of law.
Leaders ensure that all pupils have access to clubs such as basketball, choir, recorders, cricket and board games. Pupils enjoy attending these clubs and are happy that they are up and running again, after the COVID-19 pandemic.
The trustees ensure that leaders are held to account effectively for the quality of education that they are providing for pupils.
Trustees work closely with the chief executive officer and the governing body to monitor standards in the school. Leaders prioritise staff well-being. They encourage staff to take a well-being day every year.
Leaders have included staff in the design of the well-being space in school. As a result, staff prioritise their work and manage their well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that all staff are trained to identify the risks to pupils' safety. Staff receive regular safeguarding updates about emerging safeguarding issues. As a result, staff know what to look out for and how to report if they are concerned about a pupil.
Safeguarding records are accurate and detailed. They show how leaders work with families and external agencies to keep pupils safe. Leaders ensure that all pre-employment checks are carried out correctly and recorded accurately.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority) ? Some teachers do not have a secure knowledge of the learning expectations in all subject areas. This means that the curriculum for these subjects is not consistently well implemented. Leaders should ensure that staff have training to develop the subject knowledge they need to teach all curriculum areas well.
• The programme for personal development does not provide pupils with the opportunity to develop an understanding of aspects such as equality and the rule of law. This means that pupils are not securing the knowledge they need to become good citizens. Leaders should ensure that teachers provide pupils with relevant learning experiences to support their understanding of the protected characteristics and British values.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.