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This is an outstanding school Since opening in September 2016, the trust, governors and leaders have provided inspirational leadership.
Their determination and drive for excellence ensure that pupils develop into successful learners. The trust, leaders and governors offer challenge and support to school leaders, as they are familiar with all aspects of the school's work. They hold leaders to account effectively.
Leaders have created a unique curriculum, based on the needs of the pupils at Galleywall. It is well designed and implemented, providing pupils with a range of knowledge and skills which fully develops their learning. All staff appreciate the excellent... training and professional development opportunities on offer.
As a result, pupils receive high-quality teaching which ensures that they make strong progress across the curriculum. Teachers use a range of high-quality, stimulating texts to promote reading and writing across the curriculum. As a result, pupils' make excellent progress in reading and writing.
A highly effective, systematic approach to the teaching of phonics ensures that children develop strong reading skills from an early age. The early years provision provides children with an exceptional start to their education. They experience a wide range of learning opportunities.
As a result, the proportion of children who achieve a good level of development is above the national average. Pupils demonstrate consideration towards adults and each other. Adults set clear boundaries for excellent classroom behaviour.
As a result, pupils are fully engaged in learning and their attitudes are outstanding. Additional funding for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and disadvantaged pupils is used effectively. Consequently, they make strong progress from their starting points.
Safeguarding is highly effective. Leaders have ensured that a high level of vigilance exists. Pupils say they feel extremely safe at the school and parents agree.
Pupils have many opportunities to take on responsibilities and have a say in how things are done in the school. Middle leaders, including subject leaders, are knowledgeable and have an excellent understanding of their area of responsibility.
Information about this school
Galleywall school opened as a free school in September 2016.
It is part of the City of London Academies Trust. The school is growing year on year; at present, there are two Reception classes, two Year 1 classes and two Year 2 classes. The school is smaller than the average-sized primary school.
Pupils come from a range of ethnic backgrounds with the largest group being White British. The school is in the top 20% of all schools nationally for the proportion of disadvantaged pupils. The school is in the highest 20% of schools nationally for deprivation.
The school is in the top 20% of all schools nationally for the proportion of pupils who speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils with SEND support is above the national average. The percentage of pupils with an education, health and care plan is in the lowest 20% of schools nationally.