Galliard Primary School

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About Galliard Primary School

Name Galliard Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Caroline Clifford
Address Galliard Road, Edmonton, London, N9 7PE
Phone Number 02088041818
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 690
Local Authority Enfield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

As part of the Children First Academy Trust, Galliard is a school where children genuinely come first. Learning matters here – leaders have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). The curriculum is broad and ambitious.

This helps pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding. They are enthusiastic, work hard and produce work of a high quality. They are very well prepared for the next stage of their education.

Behaviour is exceptional. The high expectations from staff and robust systems for dealing with any incidents ensure that pupils understand the importance of good behaviour. They are kind, r...esponsible and respectful and demonstrate high levels of self-control.

The school's values are embodied in the calm, purposeful atmosphere in all lessons and around the school. This ensures that pupils feel safe and are kept safe each day.

A wide variety of visits and workshops enriches the curriculum.

For example, in science, older pupils have accessed webinars from a biomechanic making prosthetic limbs and a digital engineer talking about designing and constructing floating staircases. These are linked to leaders' work to build pupils' future aspirations.

Pupils are rightly proud of their school.

They know that leaders value their opinions and contributions. The school parliament and its members work with leaders to review the school's current practices and suggest ideas for improvements.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

A love of reading is evident across the school because it is given a high priority.

Pupils are enthusiastic about books and enjoy both reading and being read to. All staff are well trained and deliver the phonics programme with precision. This starts from children's first days in school.

Books used to teach reading are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils know. This provides the practice needed to develop fluency and confidence. Those at risk of falling behind are identified swiftly.

Support, through carefully planned interventions, helps pupils catch up and keep up with their peers.

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that matches, and in some areas exceeds, expectations nationally. The curriculum in all subjects sets out the knowledge, skills and specific vocabulary that pupils need to know, starting from early years.

Essential knowledge has been 'chunked' into small steps to support pupils' learning. For example, in physical education (PE), pupils practise balancing. They know the difference between point and patch balances.

They use this fundamental movement skill to improve their stance when batting, throwing and catching in cricket and rounders. Similarly, in mathematics, children in Nursery practise counting forwards and backwards using a hopscotch grid. This repeated practice deepens early understanding of numbers to 10.

As a result, children have a strong base to build on in Reception and Year 1.Teachers have secure subject knowledge because of the regular training and support they receive from leaders across the trust. This ensures that they have the expertise to deliver the curriculum effectively.

Teachers regularly check pupils' understanding. Teachers address any errors and misconceptions before moving on. Information gleaned from assessment is also used to further refine the curriculum.

For example, in science, leaders have ensured that pupils learn about liquids, solids and gases before they learn about sound. As a result, they can understand how sound travels.

Pupils with SEND typically access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

This is because teachers are skilled at making appropriate adaptations to tasks for individual pupils, as required. Pupils in the additional resourced classes, Sunbeam and Moonbeam, receive a well-sequenced curriculum. They secure the knowledge they need to be successful as well as embedding important life skills.

Behaviour is excellent, and low-level disruption is rare. Pupils are enthusiastic and committed to their learning. Most pupils attend school regularly and on time.

Effective support is in place for those whose attendance needs to improve.

Provision for pupils' personal development is exceptional. A wide variety of enrichment activities is available.

These take place at lunchtime and after school to ensure that all can attend. There is a high take-up of this offer. Responsibility is a key school value, and pupils are keen to take on the wealth of opportunities offered.

For example, they can become members of the eco-council or school parliament, or become playground friends, reading buddies or, in Year 6, personal assistants to the headteacher. They take these responsibilities seriously. Selection for these roles helps pupils to understand the importance of democracy and prepares them for life in modern Britain.

There are also regular opportunities to discuss and debate moral issues during 'time to talk'.

Leaders, including trustees and those responsible for local governance, have created an ambitious culture that puts pupils' learning at the centre of everything they do. Leaders at all levels share a real commitment to ongoing school improvement.

They have a detailed and accurate understanding of the school's strengths and the areas they want to continue to develop even further.

Staff, including those at the start of their careers, appreciate the support they are given to develop professionally. They are positive about leaders' consideration for their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff have safeguarding at the heart of all they do. Staff are well trained to identify any concerns that may arise.

These are reported quickly. Leaders know pupils and their families well and work with a range of external agencies to secure any help they may need.

The curriculum has been developed to give pupils the knowledge they need in order to make safe decisions.

For example, workshops and assemblies have been used to highlight the risks associated with gang affiliation.

Those responsible for governance ensure that statutory procedures are fully implemented. This includes checking that robust pre-employment checks are carried out as part of the safer recruitment process.

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