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Pupils at Galmpton Church of England Primary School thrive. They are rightly proud of their school and everyone who is part of it. Pupils attend school regularly and they are eager to learn.
Staff are relentless in their passion to enable pupils to succeed in all aspects of school life. Within a highly inclusive setting, staff have a strong desire to make a difference for all pupils, and they do.
Pupils receive an exceptional education.
This is achieved through an impressive curriculum, starting in the early years. It is underpinned by 'academic excellence, character development and metacognition'. These principles are woven through all subjects to enable pup...ils to build their knowledge very well across the curriculum.
The character 'gateways' are at the centre of Galmpton. They steer the successful ethos of the school as well as the strong promotion of pupils' development. Pupils talk positively about how 'learning enquiries' help them to develop their understanding of the school values.
For example, an enquiry about Charles Darwin explored the importance of determination and integrity.
Parents are overwhelmingly supportive of the school. They value the difference the school makes to their children.
Parents praise the care and support the school provides for pupils, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has the highest aspiration for every pupil. It has created an ambitious curriculum that is designed exceptionally well.
The curriculum makes clear the precise knowledge pupils need to know and remember across all subjects.
Teachers expertly build pupils' knowledge. Assessment is effective.
For example, teachers use vocabulary cards skilfully to revisit previous learning. They address any misconceptions that arise quickly before moving on to new learning. Pupils learn exceptionally well.
They confidently make links to their current learning across subjects. For example, in geography, pupils talk eloquently about their knowledge of global trade, comparing this to their historical study of trade in the Stone Age.
The school is aspirational for pupils with SEND.
Early identification ensures these pupils get the help they need. Pupils benefit from ambitious learning plans and effective adaptations. This helps them to progress through the curriculum successfully alongside their peers.
Reading is a high priority and at the heart of the curriculum. Pupils learn to read from the moment they start school. They show confidence in their ability to decode and blend words.
Pupils with gaps in phonic knowledge receive the support they need to keep up. This helps pupils to quickly gain the knowledge they need to become confident and fluent readers. Pupils talk enthusiastically about the many opportunities to read.
They take pleasure in talking about 'recommended reads' in their classroom book areas.
Children in the early years flourish. Staff make the most of every minute.
Learning is provided to enthuse and inspire children's curiosity. For example, children independently learn to play 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' following musical notation using a glockenspiel. Language development is integral to the curriculum.
The 'communication cave' is an example of the many opportunities to promote children's oracy skills. Children sustain high levels of concentration during activities. They are highly motivated in their learning and eager to join in.
As a result, the children are exceptionally well prepared for their next stage.
Pupils show excellent attitudes to their learning. Their work across the curriculum is consistently of a high quality.
Across the school, pupils demonstrate the school values. They respond well to the high expectations that are in place. Pupils who struggle to manage their behaviour, including those that have had unsuccessful experiences elsewhere, are provided with additional support.
Bespoke support helps these pupils to achieve real success. Staff take time to build positive relationships. As a result, these pupils feel valued and develop more positive experiences of school life.
The impact on the most vulnerable pupils is impressive and highly commendable.
Pupils' wider development is exemplary. This is underpinned by character development that weaves through the curriculum.
Visits and visitors are well considered to enhance pupils' experiences. Pupils know their leadership roles make a difference. For example, 'school councillors' take an active role in teaching classes about key issues such as consent.
Staff appreciate the many opportunities they have to develop their subject expertise. Many staff have roles across the trust that enable them to benefit others. Those responsible for governance have an accurate and detailed view of the school.
They use their knowledge to hold leaders to account. Governors, alongside the school and trust, continue to strive for excellence for every pupil that attends this school.