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Pupils are very proud that they attend this happy and welcoming school. One pupil told inspectors, 'Whatever your background, everyone is treated with respect.' Pupils like to walk Maggie, the school dog, and like the many after-school clubs on offer.
Staff have high expectations of pupils. Pupils are aspirational and want to achieve. They told inspectors that they want to travel the world, be archaeologists, be doctors and be ballerinas.
Pupils enjoy making a positive contribution to the life of the school. They like being house captains and playground pals.
Relationships between pupils and adults are very positive.
There is a purposeful working atm...osphere throughout the school. Pupils behave well. They are well-mannered.
They care for each other. Pupils understand diversity and equality. Pupils are kept safe and trust adults to deal with any issues that arise.
Pupils know that bullying is not allowed.
Most parents and carers are delighted with the school. One parent, typical of many, said: 'I know my child is safe and happy at school.
I go to work knowing that all the staff care for and look after my child.' Parents like the way that staff deal quickly with any concerns they may have. They appreciate the way that staff are approachable.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders' actions are improving pupils' outcomes at this school, following several COVID-related challenges. Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum. Curriculum thinking begins in the early years.
In some subjects, leaders have precisely identified the knowledge pupils should learn. Where the curriculum is set out clearly in small steps, teachers know what to teach and when. Leaders are refining other areas of the curriculum.
In some subjects, leaders have not yet decided on the knowledge they want pupils to learn. As a result, pupils do not always build their knowledge over time.
Pupils remember some of the curriculum content that they have learned.
For example, some pupils can explain that Hadrian's Wall was built by the Romans to prevent raids and attacks on Roman towns and citizens. Other pupils know that the 'Iron Age' is the name given to the time period where iron became the preferred choice of metal for making tools. Children in the early years know that plants are living things.
Leaders are reviewing the school's approach to how the curriculum is taught. In some subjects, the teaching of the curriculum does not help pupils to know and remember more over time. In addition, leaders have not fully developed a consistent approach to checking what pupils have learned and remembered.
Teachers' checks on this do not always establish whether pupils have learned the important knowledge set out in the curriculum.
Reading is a high priority in the school. Early readers receive high-quality support as soon as they enter the school.
There is a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics. Leaders ensure reading books are matched to the level at which pupils are reading. Pupils use their phonic knowledge to sound out unfamiliar words.
Those who begin to fall behind are given the right support to get them back on track.
The mathematics curriculum is well planned. It is set out so that pupils build up their understanding.
Pupils enjoy mathematics. Pupils confidently articulate what they have learned. For example, pupils can explain how to calculate to two decimal places.
In the early years, children recognise the total number of fingers without counting them. Others count forwards and backwards.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive teaching and support that are closely matched to their needs.
Teachers provide strong support so that all pupils with SEND access the full curriculum. Leaders work closely with external agencies so that pupils with SEND do well at school.
Pupils' personal development is at the heart of the school's work.
Leaders ensure that the curriculum extends beyond the academic. Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to learn a musical instrument and to attend after-school clubs. Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to carry out leadership roles.
Pupils know how to keep fit and eat healthily. Teachers make sure that pupils learn about different types of families. There is some inconsistency in some pupils' knowledge of the fundamental British values and of world faiths.
Representatives of the multi-academy trust (MAT) share an ambitious vision for the school. Trustees and governors are knowledgeable. They check that leaders are making the right decisions.
They offer support and challenge to leaders and staff. Leaders are effective. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the leaders and the support from the MAT.
Leaders work hard to ensure staff's workload is manageable.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a strong culture of safeguarding.
Leaders provide regular training for staff, trustees and governors. Staff know how to spot children who may be at risk. They pass on concerns promptly.
Leaders support children's welfare. They work well with external agencies to provide additional help when needed. Record-keeping is comprehensive.
Trustees regularly check the school's safeguarding procedures.
Leaders build strong relationships with families. They know the children and their families well.
Parents say that they feel well supported and know where to seek help. Leaders make sure that vulnerable children and their families receive the help that they need.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, leaders' curriculum thinking is not as well refined or sufficiently embedded as it is in the core subjects.
This means that pupils' learning does not build on the knowledge they already have to enable them to know and remember more. Leaders should ensure that their curriculums are fully refined and embedded, so that pupils know and remember more in all subjects. ? In some subjects, the delivery of the curriculum does not focus sufficiently enough on supporting pupils to understand and remember important knowledge.
Checks on what pupils know and understand are, at times, not linked closely to what leaders and teachers expect pupils to learn. In some instances, pupils remember activities, rather than the building blocks of knowledge needed for future learning. Leaders need to support teachers to implement the curriculum in a way that enables pupils to grasp and recall essential knowledge securely and over the long term.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.