Garforth Academy

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About Garforth Academy

Name Garforth Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Principal Anna Young
Address Lidgett Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1LJ
Phone Number 01132127127
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1897
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils consistently meet the school's high expectations of their conduct.

They are mature and respectful members of the school community. In lessons, they are committed to their learning. Around school, pupils show high levels of self-control.

The school's strong pastoral support helps pupils if they do struggle to meet these expectations. Many pupils play a positive role in the support of others. For example, some pupils act as reading ambassadors, working with younger peers to improve their reading.

Sixth-form students act as excellent role models to pupils in key stages 3 and 4.

The school has high aspirations for pupils who attend the school. Pup...ils meet these and achieve very well.

They are well prepared for their next steps in education, employment or training. The school's highly effective careers advice and guidance ensure that pupils are well informed and progress onto pathways that support their personal ambitions.

Pupils enjoy a broad range of activities that extend their education.

This includes a high number of pupils accessing the school's Duke of Edinburgh award programme. Other opportunities that the school provides cater for a variety of interests. For example, some pupils choose to take part in the school's Latin programme, while others enjoy participating in performing arts.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn an ambitious and academically demanding curriculum. Leaders have placed the English Baccalaureate at the centre of the school's curriculum offer. Pupils, including disadvantaged pupils, achieve extremely well across the breadth of the subjects that they study.

This is reflected in consistently high outcomes in public examinations.

Teachers are experts in their subjects. In lessons, they use the school's agreed lesson structure consistently well.

They present new information clearly, routinely checking that pupils have understood any prior knowledge that they require. Teachers skilfully ask questions to extend pupils' thinking. Opportunities to address pupils' misconceptions are rarely missed.

As a result, pupils develop a strong understanding of the curriculum.

Pupils who do not read at the expected level for their age are well supported. The school has a carefully structured programme of support that enables pupils to catch up quickly.

This allows pupils to fully access the school's curriculum.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified quickly. This begins when they join the school.

Additional support is in place as pupils move from Year 6 into Year 7. This helps new pupils to integrate quickly. The school works effectively alongside external professionals, such as the local authority deaf and hearing impairment team, to identify strategies to help pupils with SEND.

The school provides teachers with detailed information on how to support pupils with SEND in lessons. Staff use this to enable pupils with SEND to learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Students in the school's sixth form benefit from a rich and diverse range of qualifications.

They achieve highly. Over time, the school has updated its offer to reflect the interests of pupils and local employment opportunities. The school increasingly makes use of employer partnerships to strengthen its offer, such as for students completing T-level qualifications.

A high proportion of these students secure future employment or training in the industries that the school partners with.

Pupils benefit from a comprehensive personal, social and health education curriculum during their 'life' lessons. They learn to discuss and debate moral issues in a respectful and considered way.

This helps to create the school's accepting and inclusive culture. This permeates into pupils' highly positive and respectful attitudes to learning. Relationships between pupils, and with staff, are consistently strong.

The school provides an extensive range of opportunities to enrich pupils' education. All pupils experience educational visits during their time at the school, often including residential visits or overseas travel. Many pupils hold positions of leadership responsibility, such as trained peer mentors.

Others complete charitable work or work that supports the wider community. For example, some pupils volunteer in a local residential care home. Sixth-form 'next gen leaders' completed social action projects, including on vaping, and presented these at a conference and to the local member of parliament.

Pupils attend school regularly. Rates of absence are lower than the national average. The school carefully analyses attendance and behaviour data to identify patterns and trends.

It uses this information to remove barriers and improve pupils' attendance and behaviour effectively.

Staff are well supported by leaders at all levels. The school provides them with high-quality training.

This enables adults to complete their roles confidently. Staff are committed to the school and pupils who attend. The school plays a significant role in sharing best practice within the wider trust.

Those with responsibility for governance know the school well. They use the information that is available to check on the impact of the school's work effectively.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Stagecoach Garforth & Selby

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