Garstang St Thomas’ Church of England Primary School

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About Garstang St Thomas’ Church of England Primary School

Name Garstang St Thomas’ Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Jim Blakely
Address Kepple Lane, Garstang, Preston, PR3 1PB
Phone Number 01995603454
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 255
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils and staff say rightly that everyone in this school loves learning. Pupils promote and demonstrate the school's values of respect, love and courage through their exemplary behaviour and positive attitudes.

They feel safe and are confident that they know who to turn to with any worries.

The school has exceptionally high expectations for pupils' learning. Pupils meet these expectations from the moment that they enter the provision for two-year-olds.

Children in the early years benefit from a high-quality curriculum which underpins their later learning. This is highly successful. Pupils' achievement is exceptionally high.

Behaviour is impeccable a...round school and in lessons. Adults have established calm and predictable routines. As a result, pupils become self-organised and independent from a very young age.

This continues as pupils move into key stage 1 and 2. They express their emotions, empathise with others and focus well on their learning.

The school's value of 'service' is a high priority and pupils make a real difference to the community around them.

For example, they think of 'mission impossible' challenges to help others. Pupils say, 'Serving is fun here.' They recount proudly their service to others, such as donating books, litter picking or raising funds for a homeless charity.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum which is highly ambitious. Each new lesson fits seamlessly with prior knowledge from the Nursery Year to Year 6. Inspirational staff ensure a constant drive to improve an already excellent curriculum.

The school prioritises a highly inclusive oracy programme alongside reading, which enhances pupils' ability to speak clearly.

Children from the early years, get an excellent start. Parents and carers appreciate the clear communication that they receive.

Staff ensure that pupils' learning needs are identified and met swiftly. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make excellent progress through the curriculum and achieve highly. Pupils with emotional needs learn how to manage their feelings highly positively.

The school provides exceptional support for pupils' speech and language development. As a result, children as young as three years old ask precise questions and older pupils develop mature debating and public speaking skills.

Staff use many exciting strategies to enhance learning.

They ensure that learning experiences are memorable for pupils and that key knowledge is understood. Staff check and make sure that pupils talk articulately about what they know before they move pupils' learning on. The primary focus on language development ensures that vocabulary is enriched and reinforced so that pupils use sophisticated words.

For example, children in nursery describe how to be careful with a “teacup” or a “medical box”. Older pupils reason with precision in mathematics.Highly skilled staff ensure that this translates into written work which is of a high standard in all subjects.

The school teaches early reading very effectively. Any pupil who falls behind is provided with precise support and catches up quickly. Pupils leave key stage 1 as confident readers.

Older pupils are enraptured by their daily story time. They talk knowledgeably about their preferences of author, biographies and mystery books.

The school has high expectations of behaviour.

The standards are notably high for very young children, who demonstrate remarkable kindness to one another and a readiness to learn. The school makes sure that parents and pupils know that regular attendance is non-negotiable. It has robust systems to ensure that pupils attend on time and regularly.

The school has a deliberate focus on 'joyful serving'. This focus on other people benefits pupils. Relationships between pupils are empathetic and considerate.

They aspire, when they grow up, to make a tangible difference to issues such as the environment.

The school offers an extensive range of trips and clubs. Pupils take advantage of these opportunities to develop their sporting, creative or oracy talents.

They value the sense of belonging that their school gives them and contribute to assemblies. Pupils welcome those new to school. They hold many leadership roles which enrich and support younger pupils.

For example, pupils run a radio broadcast at lunchtimes.

Governors are well-informed and proficient in their roles. Leaders at all levels are highly effective in driving forward further developments in school.

Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the encouragement that they receive from caring, empathetic leaders. They appreciate the time to read and reflect on the impact of their training together.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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