Garston Church of England Primary School

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About Garston Church of England Primary School

Name Garston Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Rachel Dean
Address Holman Road, Garston, Liverpool, L19 5NS
Phone Number 01514277517
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 230
Local Authority Liverpool
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Children in the early years quickly settle into the routines of learning. They relish exploring the outdoor wooded area, where they develop resilience and confidence in their environment. Older pupils build on this positive start.

They form trusting relationships with staff and with each other. This helps to make the school a happy place to learn.

Pupils' behaviour during lessons and playtimes is exemplary.

Pupils feel safe. They know that staff will support them if they have any concerns. This includes dealing swiftly and effectively with any rare incidents of bullying.

Staff and leaders at all levels share a common aim to provide the best possible for 'each and every child'. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported. They readily take part in all that the school has to offer.

Pupils, including those with SEND, achieve well.

Pupils spoke enthusiastically about the exciting range of trips and clubs available to them. They feel fully involved in school life.

Leaders value pupils' opinions and listen to their suggestions. Pupils are determined that there are no outsiders in their school. They arrange special events to celebrate diversity.

This helps everyone to feel welcome.

Parents and carers who shared their views with inspectors were overwhelmingly positive about the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

School leaders have worked effectively with leaders from the multi-academy trust to design a relevant and ambitious curriculum for all pupils.

The curriculum builds well from the early years. Here, leaders have carefully considered the most important knowledge that the youngest children need. Children in the early years are exceptionally well prepared for their next stage of education as a result.

Throughout the rest of the school, leaders have defined the key knowledge that they want pupils to know and remember in most subjects. In a small number of subjects, leaders continue to refine aspects of their curriculums. This sometimes hinders pupils' ability to make connections between what they know already and new learning.

Some pupils' knowledge is sometimes uneven in these subjects as a result.

Leaders provide staff with regular training. This training, coupled with secure subject knowledge, enables teachers to deliver the curriculum consistently well.

For example, they introduce new subject matter to pupils clearly. This helps pupils, including those with SEND, to build their learning well in most subjects.

Leaders are determined that all pupils learn to communicate and read confidently.

Staff in the early years focus well on developing children's language. Staff miss no opportunity to engage children in high-quality conversation as they learn and play. Children are ready to learn to read as soon as they enter the Reception Year.

All staff, including those in the Reception class, deliver the phonics curriculum consistently well. Pupils practise their reading using books that closely match the sounds that they know. This helps pupils to gain the phonics knowledge that they need to be successful readers.

Teachers enjoy sharing their love of reading with pupils. Staff immerse children in the early years in a world of much-loved stories. Older pupils are enthusiastic and knowledgeable about reading.

They read widely. Pupils said that reading gives them pleasure and helps to deepen their understanding of other subjects. Pupils leave the school well prepared for the challenges of the key stage 3 curriculum.

Leaders ensure that staff, including in the early years, know how to identify pupils' additional needs. Teachers adapt their delivery of the curriculum effectively to support pupils with SEND. These pupils access the curriculum alongside their classmates.

Children in the early years are highly inquisitive and keen to learn. Their behaviour is impeccable. Pupils throughout the rest of the school maintain these high standards of behaviour.

Classrooms are calm and purposeful. Pupils get on with their learning without distraction.

Pupils are highly respectful of each other and of adults.

They understand what it means to be a responsible citizen. For example, they take positive action to look after the environment through taking part in community litter-picks. Pupils greatly value and appreciate difference.

They said, 'we don't judge people, we value everyone'. Pupils' emotional health and well-being are actively promoted by staff.

Staff, including those who are new to teaching, feel valued.

They are proud to work at the school and staff morale is high. Staff recognise that leaders do all that they can to make their workloads manageable. Staff welcome the support that they receive to help them to carry out their roles well.

Leaders at all levels fully understand their roles and responsibilities. Governors and trustees know the school exceptionally well. Their confident, strategic leadership allows school leaders to focus on enhancing the quality of education provided by the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff receive regular safeguarding training. They know what to do if they have any concerns about a pupil's welfare.

Leaders are tenacious in following up any concerns raised. They work closely with other agencies to ensure that pupils are kept safe.Leaders make sure that pupils benefit from effective pastoral support.

Staff know how to identify pupils who may need help with their mental or emotional health. Leaders put this support in place quickly.

Pupils know how to stay safe and behave responsibly in different situations, both online and when out in the community.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders' work to refine the curriculum is at an earlier stage. Pupils do not build up their knowledge equally well across all aspects of the curriculum as a result. Leaders should ensure that, where curriculums are still being revised, changes are implemented fully.

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