Gearies Primary School

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About Gearies Primary School

Name Gearies Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Alex Dias
Address Waremead Road, Gants Hill, Ilford, IG2 6TF
Phone Number 02085501803
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 904
Local Authority Redbridge
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils flourish at this happy and friendly school. Pupils are supported to become 'the best version of themselves'. Staff know pupils well and have very high expectations for them.

Pupils are rightly proud of their school and all it has to offer. Pupils work hard and achieve highly, including in national assessments. Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the support their children receive.

The school is highly inclusive, with dedicated and committed staff. They ensure pupils succeed and thrive, irrespective of their background or context. Children in the Nursery and Reception get off to a strong start, engaging in high-quality learning.

This in...cludes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who achieve very well alongside their peers.

Pupils' behaviour is excellent, both in lessons and around the school. Bullying is rare, and pupils know who to speak with if they have any concerns.

Pupils talk enthusiastically about the wide range of enrichment opportunities available. These include school visits and residential stays. Pupils are eager to make a difference in the school community.

They enjoy helping each other as prefects and acting as ambassadors when parents visit the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has designed a curriculum that meets the needs of its pupils very well. From the early years, leaders have thought carefully about what they want pupils to know and remember.

The curriculum is constructed so pupils build up a body of important knowledge as they move through the school. For example, children in the early years discuss some similarities and differences between things in the past and now. This prepares them well for learning in Year 1, where they look at toys from the past as part of the history curriculum.

Throughout the school, staff are experts in the delivery of the curriculum. The needs of pupils with SEND are identified accurately and swiftly. Learning is carefully matched and adapted to cater for the needs of all pupils.

Teachers encourage pupils to discuss their learning and to work collaboratively in pairs and small groups. Pupils receive effective support to learn subject-specific vocabulary, and they use it with confidence. Lessons are carefully designed and adapted so pupils recall and use important knowledge.

Teachers check pupils' understanding continuously and effectively. For example, skilful questioning helps to identify any misconceptions so these are addressed quickly. The standards pupils achieve in reading, writing and mathematics far exceed those achieved nationally.

Across the curriculum, pupils learn exceptionally well.

From the beginning of Nursery onwards, there is a sharp focus on developing children's communication and language. Expert staff provide a language-rich environment that supports children to learn new vocabulary and express their needs with confidence.

From the start of the Reception Year, staff deliver the school's chosen phonics programme with expertise. Pupils gain confidence as they read books that contain the sounds they know.Staff make regular checks on pupils' reading.

This helps pupils to become confident and fluent readers. Any pupils who fall behind benefit from effective support to catch up quickly. Older pupils describe the genre, plot and characters they have discovered in books they have read recently.

Staff run a group to support parents so they know how to support their child to read.

Staff help pupils to develop a mature understanding of relationships and feelings. Pupils learn how to understand and regulate their own emotions.

They receive a strong start in the early years, learning how to share and take turns. Staff support pupils to understand how their behaviour impacts others. Some pupils volunteer to support others in the playground, for example by acting as sports leaders or leading play for the younger children.

The school carefully monitors behaviour and attendance. They know their pupils and families well and are responsive to any concerns.

The school promotes pupils' character development exceptionally well.

Pupils respect each other's choices and embrace the diverse community of the school. For example, pupils have been involved in projects to support families new to the country who speak English as an additional language. The school provides a variety of wider opportunities that develop children's resilience, confidence and independence.

There are a range of extra-curricular enrichment opportunities, including inclusive sports competitions for pupils with SEND.

The governing body and leaders are determined to provide the best possible experiences for pupils. The school provides high-quality training to ensure that staff can develop their professional expertise.

Staff workload and well-being have been carefully considered by leaders. Consequently, morale is high, and there is a strong team spirit.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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