Germander Park School

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About Germander Park School

Name Germander Park School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kate Mathews
Address 1 Germander Place, Conniburrow, Milton Keynes, MK14 7DU
Phone Number 01908674620
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 2-7
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 82
Local Authority Milton Keynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are well cared for at this school. Adults know the pupils very well and relationships across the school are warm and respectful.

Pupils feel safe and behave well. They enjoy social times, such as playtimes, and they chat together happily at lunchtime. Pupils are kind and considerate of others.

They say that bullying rarely happens because staff 'teach us well not to bully'. If bullying does happen, staff make sure that it is dealt with quickly.

Leaders ensure that the school's four values of 'respect, responsibility, resilience and reflection' are known well.

All at the school refer to these often. Pupils at the school come from many different... backgrounds and all are welcome. They share cultural experiences together, such as celebrating Muslim and Christian festivals.

Pupils are tolerant, interested and respectful of the beliefs of others.

There are many opportunities on offer inside and outside the classroom. Pupils enjoy theatre trips, author visits, and keenly attend the many sports clubs.

There are a range of activities to develop their different talents and interests.

Leaders have high expectations for what pupils can achieve and this view is shared by all at the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum.

They have thought carefully about what the pupils will learn and in what order. For example, children in early years learn to draw maps of their playground and apply this knowledge to mapping a walk when in Year 1.

Leaders prioritise reading.

In Reception, children learn phonics straight away. They learn rhymes and songs and enjoy listening to stories. They begin their day quietly sharing a book with friends.

Each class has a box of story books, which families share together. Pupils take these home alongside their reading book. Pupils learn phonics using a well-structured programme.

This sets clear expectations for what pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), should learn. Any pupil at risk of falling behind with their reading, receives the support they need to catch up quickly. In early years, children use phonic games to help them remember their sounds.

In many subjects, teachers ensure that pupils develop their knowledge and understanding well. For example, in science, teachers use carefully designed tasks to develop pupils' scientific thinking. Furthermore, in mathematics, teachers encourage pupils to use a range of resources to help them with their work.

Teachers have carefully planned the vocabulary that pupils need to know in each subject.

In reading, teachers check pupils' understanding routinely. They use this information to plan what pupils need to learn next.

However, in some subjects other than reading, teachers do not check consistently how well pupils are learning. As a result, teachers do not always know what each pupil has remembered and can do before they move on.

The required support for pupils with SEND is identified quickly by leaders.

Appropriate provision is put in place promptly. With the help of leaders, teachers expertly adapt lessons, so that learning is presented in smaller, achievable steps. This enables all pupils to succeed.

Pupils behave well in lessons. Occasionally, they become overly excited. However, this is rapidly addressed by staff.

In early years, children learn the routines which prepare them for their next stage of learning. They learn to tidy up, sit quietly on the carpet and line up sensibly. Despite leaders' efforts, not all pupils attend school regularly enough.

This leads to some pupils missing important learning, which means that they develop gaps in knowledge and, therefore, do not achieve as well as they could.

This is a truly inclusive school. Families receive excellent pastoral support.

Leaders provide an exceptional range of opportunities for pupils, which extends beyond the taught curriculum. Pupils, including those with SEND, benefit from high-quality sporting, creative and cultural activities. They have visited the theatre, a zoo and listened to a visiting author.

Pupils learn to take care of themselves by eating healthily, exercising and getting enough sleep. Staff care for pupils and pupils care for each other. There are no barriers to pupils taking part in any activity.

Everyone is encouraged.

Leaders have worked tirelessly to make improvements to the school. Governors share their ambitions.

Staff feel well supported. Leaders have carefully considered staff well-being and workload. They are fully focused on ensuring pupils receive a high-quality education.

Along with school leaders, governors are determined that all pupils will achieve highly.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils feel safe at school.

Leaders have ensured that all staff know the procedures they need to follow if they believe a pupil is at risk of harm. Leaders know their community very well. They have ensured that all staff have the appropriate training and work well with outside agencies to support pupils' safety and well-being.

Record-keeping is precise and up to date. Leaders carry out the required checks to ensure that adults in school are safe to work with pupils. Pupils know how to identify risk and keep themselves safe in the community and when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, teachers do not use assessment sufficiently well to check pupils' understanding before moving their learning on. As a result, pupils develop gaps in knowledge and do not always remember their learning securely enough. Leaders should continue their work to ensure that teachers use assessment effectively to support all pupils to learn well across the curriculum.

• Not all pupils attend school regularly enough. As a result, some pupils are not developing their curriculum knowledge and skills as well as they could. Leaders should continue their efforts to ensure high attendance for all pupils in the school.

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