Gilbert Inglefield Academy

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About Gilbert Inglefield Academy

Name Gilbert Inglefield Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Catrin O'Callaghan
Address Vandyke Road, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 3FU
Phone Number 01525372266
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 9-13
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 672
Local Authority Central Bedfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are not always happy, as bullying and incidents of discrimination are commonplace.

They know that, although they can find someone who will try to help, not all staff do. Therefore, some pupils do not report concerns as, in their view, doing so makes little difference.

Pupils are safe, as leaders ensure that suitable safeguarding procedures are in place.

However, some pupils cause regular disruption to lessons and behave in a way that makes other pupils feel uneasy and worried. Pupils are not confident that staff will tackle this consistently, so they do not report concerns.

Pupils do not experience an acceptable quality of education.

...Teachers do not plan learning that builds on pupils' knowledge consistently or caters for their individual needs well. Pupils do not follow the intended curriculum effectively. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do not receive the support they need to access the full curriculum.

Teachers' expectations for them are too low.

Pupils participate in a range of enjoyable trips and visits, such as to museums and science fairs. However, leaders' programme of personal development has not ensured that pupils do not regularly discriminate against each other or hold discriminatory attitudes.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have not ensured that pupils, particularly pupils with SEND, benefit from a good-quality education. Although leaders have implemented a broad curriculum, they have not defined consistently how pupils should build important knowledge over time. Consequently, some teachers are not clear enough on what to teach and when.

Some teachers do what they think is right rather than following the planned curriculum and checking how well pupils have learned it. This means that pupils have gaps in their knowledge. They do not achieve as well as they should.

Pupils have opportunities to enjoy books. However, this is not as part of a well-planned reading strategy. Books are not always well matched to pupils' reading ability.

Some pupils continue to struggle with reading, as gaps in their phonic knowledge remain. These pupils are not supported effectively to catch up. As such, they struggle to access the wider curriculum because they cannot read well.

Pupils with SEND are insufficiently supported, and their needs are not met well. Adults' expectations for pupils with SEND are too low. Staff do not have the information and guidance they need to help pupils with SEND learn effectively.

Therefore, pupils with SEND struggle to access the full curriculum successfully or independently. Leaders do not review routinely how well the needs of pupils with SEND are being met.Leaders have begun to address poor behaviour.

However, this is not working as intended. Teachers do not manage behaviour consistently or effectively. Pupils cannot consistently focus during lessons because others regularly disrupt their learning.

They are wary at breaktimes due to the behaviour of some of their peers. Groups of pupils experience regular discrimination and bullying. Pupils do not have confidence in leaders' ability to resolve this.

They often feel that the most effective option is to keep quiet and ignore it. As a result, this unacceptable behaviour persists.

While a well-planned programme of personal, social and health education (PSHE) is in place, many pupils do not benefit from it because PSHE lessons are too often disrupted.

Pupils are taught about tolerance and respect. However, pupils do not apply this well to how they treat each other. Leaders have failed to address this effectively.

Pupils do benefit from access to a range of activities, trips and visits. Pupils have suitable careers education, so they learn about future employment and the world of work.

Trustees do not have an accurate view of the school and have failed to challenge and support leaders effectively.

Leaders have failed to address the areas of improvement from the previous inspection effectively. They have not demonstrated the capacity to secure effective improvement quickly enough. Most staff feel that leaders are approachable and mindful of staff workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that pupils at risk of harm are identified and supported. Staff report concerns when they hear about them.

Leaders act promptly in response to safeguarding concerns. Leaders work effectively with external agencies to keep pupils safe. Staff complete suitable welfare checks on pupils not attending school.

Leaders have suitable vetting systems in place when recruiting staff. All staff receive appropriate safeguarding training.

Although pupils are not confident to talk to all members of staff, they feel that, ultimately, there is always someone to turn to.

Pupils do learn about risks such as online safety.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum does not define the important knowledge that pupils should learn consistently enough. Teachers do not deliver the full curriculum consistently well.

Consequently, pupils do not achieve as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that, in all subjects, the curriculum is clearly defined and sets out the knowledge that pupils should learn. Leaders should ensure that staff have the expertise they need to teach the school's curriculum consistently well and to accurately assess and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge.

• Pupils with SEND do not have their needs met effectively. Teachers do not make the adaptations needed to enable pupils with SEND to access the full curriculum. As a result, pupils with SEND do not achieve well.

Leaders need to ensure that pupils with SEND have their needs accurately identified, assessed and reviewed and that staff adapt learning effectively to meet pupils' needs, ensuring that pupils with SEND access the full curriculum and achieve well. ? Teachers do not manage pupils' behaviour consistently or effectively. Incidents of anti-social behaviour or perceived bullying are not followed up well enough.

Pupils' learning is regularly disrupted. Some pupils feel unsafe because of the behaviour of others. Leaders need to ensure that staff have the knowledge and expertise to manage behaviour and deal with bullying consistently and well.

They must also ensure that expectations and policies for behaviour are understood by all and applied consistently. ? Some pupils experience unacceptable discrimination from others. They do not have confidence in leaders' ability to address this, so it is not reported and has become normalised.

Leaders need to ensure that all staff challenge and resolve discrimination issues consistently and effectively when they occur. ? Trustees do not have an accurate view of the school's effectiveness. They have not challenged and supported leaders effectively.

They have not addressed weaknesses effectively or in a timely fashion. Trustees need to ensure that they are fully informed and can hold leaders to account and address areas for improvement effectively.Having considered the evidence, we strongly recommend that the school should not seek to appoint early career teachers.

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