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Respect is the cornerstone of this school community. All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are made to feel part of the Gladesmore family.
Teachers are highly respectful of their pupils and, in turn, pupils respect their teachers. Pupils are kept safe here. They know that all staff will respond swiftly and effectively to any concerns that may arise.
Pupils are excellent ambassadors for their school. Leaders take every opportunity to ensure that older pupils are role models for their younger peers. For example, weekly assemblies are used to celebrate achievements and inspire other pupils.
Pupils become leaders h...ere. In particular, the school council is actively involved in many parts of school life. Many pupils choose to return to the school as a member of staff.
Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities to enrich their academic learning. Weekly Saturday sessions allow pupils to follow their talents and interests.
Leaders and staff at all levels are highly ambitious for their pupils.
All pupils follow a broad and well-sequenced curriculum. They are consistently focused on their studies in lessons and work hard. Pupils benefit from teachers' adaptations to lessons, which ensure that all pupils succeed.
As a result, pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their learning.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The curriculum frequently exceeds what is expected nationally. It is carefully designed to reflect the diversity of the school community.
In history, for example, pupils look beyond the American civil rights movement and compare this to civil rights protests in Britain. Similarly, in English, teachers use 'The Merchant of Venice' to highlight respect for other religions and cultures. The school identifies carefully the important knowledge that pupils need to learn.
Teachers plan multiple opportunities to revisit and build on this.
Teachers are well trained and become experts in their subjects. They present information clearly and take every opportunity to check pupils' understanding.
Where teachers identify misconceptions, they swiftly address these. As a result, pupils are well placed to tackle more challenging concepts as they advance through the curriculum. Pupils enjoy their learning.
They develop a deep body of knowledge and produce high-quality work in different subjects.
Pupils with SEND flourish. Highly effective processes ensure that the needs of pupils with SEND are identified swiftly.
Knowledgeable staff provide and regularly review the support that pupils receive. This includes, where necessary, an adapted but ambitious curriculum. As a result, pupils with SEND are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Reading is a high priority for all pupils. The two well-resourced libraries are the beating heart of the school. As a result, pupils are helped to select books that match their reading ability.
Effective systems ensure that pupils needing additional help with their reading benefit from skilful support. As a result, these pupils read with increasing fluency and comprehension. Motivated by their successes, pupils are well placed to successfully access the ambitious curriculum.
All staff have consistently high expectations of pupils' behaviour. Pupils have a clear understanding of how they are expected to behave. As a result, they are calm and orderly both in and outside of the classroom.
Leaders intervene swiftly on the rare instances when pupils need support to meet the school's high expectations, including around attendance. Leaders think about the necessary support for pupils' behaviour and attendance with great care and knowledge of the individual. As a result, pupils and their families receive the help they need to attend regularly and on time.
The school's programme of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is carefully thought out. Pupils learn about topical issues such as the dangers of vaping and drugs. A programme of additional workshops encourages pupils to stay safe, such as a recent assembly on consent.
The school provides extensive resources to support positive mental health, including counselling and work with the local authority. The innovative careers curriculum provides links with a vast range of both employers and education providers. For example, high numbers of pupils are supported to progress to prestigious further education settings via a charity-funded bursary.
This contributes significantly to pupils' motivation and aspiration to succeed at school and beyond.
Leaders and those responsible for governance use their diverse expertise and knowledge of the school to provide highly effective challenge and support. For example, when published outcomes did not match leaders' expectations in 2023, the school undertook careful and detailed analysis of contributory factors.
As a result, effective adaptations have been made to support pupils to achieve highly. This includes a comprehensive and bespoke tutoring programme that addresses any gaps in individual pupils' subject knowledge. Staff at all levels are proud to work at this school.
They appreciate the multiple opportunities for their professional development. Staff feel their workload is well considered and managed.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.