Glaisdale Primary School

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About Glaisdale Primary School

Name Glaisdale Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Oliver Cooper
Address Glaisdale, Whitby, YO21 2PZ
Phone Number 01947897218
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 26
Local Authority North Yorkshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a small school with big ambitions for all of its pupils. The school provides pupils with an exceptional quality of education and a breadth of opportunities. It has high expectations of all pupils.

Pupils produce work to a consistently high standard. They enjoy learning because lessons are interesting. Consequently, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), achieve very well.

Pupils behave extremely well in class and around school. They demonstrate a mature attitude to their studies. Pupils value the diverse range of experiences the school routinely offers.

Current pupils attend at least one extra-curricular act...ivity. This contributes to supporting pupils' broader development. At breakfast club, pupils enjoy taking part in activities, including yoga and baking.

Pupils embrace new and adventurous sports such as orienteering, beck scrambling and archery. They proudly represent their school in events and competitions.

Staff, pupils, parents and carers speak overwhelmingly positively about the school.

They are proud to be part of its community. The school plays an active role in village life. Pupils contribute positively to the area in which they live.

Recent events include producing artwork for remembrance commemorations and planting trees in a 'Memory Wood'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has coherently designed the curriculum. It has ensured that the order in which pupils experience new learning is logical.

This helps pupils to learn important knowledge and skills. As they progress through the school, pupils develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of subjects across the curriculum.

The school and the trust provide staff with high-quality training in how to teach the curriculum.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They teach with confidence. Teachers provide work for pupils that aligns with the school's expectations for individual year groups.

They successfully enable pupils, in mixed-age classes, to learn at an age-appropriate level. Adults provide frequent opportunities for children in Reception Year to explore their learning, including through play. For example, during the inspection, these children enjoyed creating, and talking about, the patterns they made in the snow.

Adults enable children to develop their language. They support children well to use vocabulary that helps them describe what they are learning. Teachers make sure that pupils with SEND are appropriately supported.

Staff know pupils extremely well. Pupils' needs are met effectively.

Children start to learn phonics from the beginning of Reception Year.

Over time, pupils become increasingly confident in segmenting and blending words. The books pupils read match the sounds they know and have learned. Teachers address errors and misconceptions swiftly.

The school regularly checks the sounds that pupils have learned and remembered. It ensures that pupils keep up with the expectations of the school's phonics scheme. Pupils benefit from timely support in phonics lessons to address gaps in their learning.

The school provides regular opportunities for pupils across the school to read and enjoy stories and poetry. Through these, they encounter different forms of texts. This helps pupils to develop their language and vocabulary.

Pupils demonstrate high standards of behaviour consistently. They are polite and respectful to adults and other pupils. The school's four rules help guide pupils in how to behave.

Pupils know what is expected of them. They play harmoniously with each other at breaktimes and lunchtimes. This contributes to the school's calm atmosphere.

The school has ensured that pupils' attendance is a high priority. Pupils attend school regularly.

The school has established a coherent and purposeful offer to support pupils' personal development.

It provides regular opportunities for pupils to reflect on what it means to be a responsible person. Pupils develop an age-appropriate understanding of the protected characteristics. One pupil told an inspector that these 'support people not to be left out'.

The school has identified a range of experiences, or 'oaths', that pupils will complete during their time at the school. These enable pupils to learn about people, places and cultures beyond the school's immediate locality. Pupils also benefit from regularly participating in 'Moors School'.

Through this, the school helps pupils deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the area in which they live. Pupils learn, and understand, how to look after the environment and identify the plants in the local area. The school regularly teaches pupils how to keep themselves safe in this rural setting.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have an accurate view of the school. They remain focused on providing all pupils with a consistently high standard of education. The school and trust check that actions taken to develop the school do not negatively impact staff workload.

Strong partnerships with schools in the trust provide collaborative opportunities to develop the curriculum. This helps to support staff career aspirations while contributing to the school's vision to be an educational 'beacon on the moors'.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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