Glebe Primary School

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About Glebe Primary School

Name Glebe Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Melanie Penney
Address Sussex Road, Ickenham, Uxbridge, UB10 8PH
Phone Number 01895462385
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 634
Local Authority Hillingdon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a friendly and welcoming school. Working relationships between adults, pupils and their families are positive.

Leaders have created a nurturing environment, so pupils feel cared for, valued and safe. Pupils trust staff to help them with any worries that they may have. Leaders have high expectations of, and aspirations for all pupils.

Pupils have experiences that broaden their outlook on life, such as visits to museums and universities. Parents and carers said that they valued the school's warm atmosphere and caring staff.

Pupils behave well during lessons, when moving around the school and at playtimes.

They are polite and well mannered. Olde...r pupils support younger ones with reading. This promotes the caring ethos of the school.

Pupils felt confident that adults would deal with any concerns quickly should they occur.

Pupils benefit from a range of opportunities to play an active role in school life. For instance, some act as members of the 'eco' team or prefects.

Pupils take pride in this work and take their duties seriously. Staff encourage them to make a positive difference in the community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum.

They have worked well with the governing body to develop important areas of the school. Leaders' curricular thinking is well developed and helps pupils to build on knowledge sequentially. In early years, leaders make sure that children learn successfully across all areas of learning.

In some subjects, leaders do not ensure that they identify and check the key content pupils need to learn and remember over time precisely. This limits pupils' subject-specific knowledge and understanding.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge.

They present information to pupils with clarity. Pupils learn new vocabulary well and talk excitedly about their learning. Typically, teachers check pupils' understanding effectively.

On occasions, teaching does not identify and address pupils' misconceptions quickly. When this happens, pupils' deeper learning is not secure. In early years, staff help children to know about the world around them.

Staff support children so that they are ready for Year 1.

Leaders prioritise reading. They have implemented a systematic and sequenced approach to the teaching of reading.

Staff understand the new phonics curriculum well. They help pupils to learn to decode words accurately. Staff help pupils to build their reading fluency quickly.

Books that pupils read are matched well to their phonics knowledge. Where pupils are at risk of falling behind with early reading, staff provide appropriate and targeted help. This helps pupils to read with confidence.

Leaders make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive effective support. Teachers know the needs of pupils with SEND well. Leaders work closely with external agencies to provide specialist support when required.

They work together with staff to identify pupils' needs at an early stage. Pupils with SEND get the help they need to learn the curriculum alongside their peers successfully. Staff provide these pupils with skilful support through appropriate strategies.

Staff have high expectations for pupils' behaviour and attitudes. Most pupils respond well and focus well during lessons. Staff help children in the Nursery and Reception Year to learn routines quickly.

This helps children to share and play well together.

Leaders provide many opportunities to enhance pupils' personal development. For example, pupils are taught how to recognise healthy and unhealthy relationships.

Staff encourage pupils to understand and respect differences. They provide pupils with opportunities to discuss and debate important topics. For instance, how to improve their mental health and well-being.

Leaders have created an environment where pupils and staff feel valued. Staff said that school leaders support their workload, professional development and well-being effectively. Those responsible for governance know and understand their roles well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that all staff have up-to-date safeguarding training. Staff know what to do should they have a concern about a pupil.

Leaders respond quickly when staff raise concerns about pupils. Leaders make sure that pupils and families get the support they need.

The school makes effective use of external agencies when appropriate.

Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe. They are encouraged how to stay safe online. Pupils can identify a member of staff they would go to if they had any worries.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, the school does not ensure that assessment is matched closely to the key content that pupils need to learn over time. As a result, pupils' subject-specific knowledge and skills are not embedded securely. Leaders should ensure that assessments in all subjects reflect the important subject-specific knowledge and skills that pupils need in readiness for future learning.

Sometimes, teaching does not identify and address pupils' misconceptions securely. This limits pupils' deeper knowledge and understanding. Leaders should ensure that teachers check and address gaps in pupils' understanding effectively.

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