Glyn School

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About Glyn School

Name Glyn School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Jo Garrod
Address The Kingsway, Ewell, Epsom, KT17 1NB
Phone Number 02087164949
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 1694
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils actively embrace the school's values of respect, integrity, kindness and endeavour. They are courteous to one another and take pride in their work.

Poor behaviour is extremely rare, with preventative measures in place to minimise bullying and harassment.

Opportunities to develop pupils' talents and interests are exceptional and wide-ranging. Disadvantaged pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), speak highly of these opportunities.

Care for the most vulnerable pupils is exceptional.

Extra-curricular provision is extensive. It covers subject sessions, young journalists, music, dance and drama as well as... sporting clubs, including athletics, boxing, fencing and rugby.

The valued house system offers many opportunities for active participation.

Pupils demonstrate strong values, mutual respect and an authentic understanding of equality and inclusion. Student ambassadors look after younger pupils, and this supports them to feel safe and happy.

Students new to the sixth form speak highly of their induction and support.

Leaders' high expectations come to fruition, as seen through pupils' impressive academic achievements. The school is swift to act when minor improvements are needed to an aspect of its work.

Staff and pupils are immensely proud to be a part of the school.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum is meticulously planned, carefully sequenced and successfully implemented. It is ambitious, challenging and engaging.

Disadvantaged pupils, including those with SEND, are well known and supported sensitively. They are keenly encouraged by their teachers, who offer reassurance and targeted help. The most able pupils are empowered and self-motivated to deepen their knowledge further.

Their learning is enriched through debates, competitions, trips and university visits. Where pupils are educated off site, in full or in part, leaders ensure that provision is ambitious, supportive and safe.

The curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils master the intended learning and build on their primary school education.

Work across key stages is sequenced precisely to develop previous learning securely. The English Baccalaureate forms the backbone of the curriculum, and the take-up of languages has increased dramatically. Significant numbers of pupils join the vibrant sixth form.'

Staying on' rates are high and reflect the care taken in matching students to relevant courses of study.

Pupils recognise teachers as experts in their subjects. Teachers' professional development is rigorously supported to sustain their deep subject knowledge and refine their pedagogical approaches.

Relationships between pupils and staff are exceptionally strong, actively supporting and encouraging pupils' highly positive attitudes and work ethic.

Assessment is used forensically to identify where the curriculum might be further improved as well as to find gaps in pupils' knowledge, which are then addressed. Work to cultivate confident and enthusiastic readers is well-focused and effective.

Pupils' work strongly reflects the pride they take in their learning.

Personal development experiences are carefully planned and woven into the curriculum. Pupils learn how to be safe and keep safe, including online.

Health, welfare and well-being are systematically supported through assemblies, tutorials and the personal, social, health, citizenship and economic programme. Pupils know that they can talk with a member of staff if they have any concerns. Effective careers education supports and encourages pupils to pursue aspirational career choices.

Attendance is high, with measures in place to raise it even further. Pupils know that bullying and harassment are never tolerated. Pupils are rewarded comprehensively for their positive behaviour.

The school makes careful and infrequent use of suspensions, helping pupils to learn from their mistakes and make better choices in the future. Exclusions are extremely rare.

Sixth-form provision is of the same high quality as for the rest of the school.

Study programmes are appropriate and ambitious. A high proportion of pupils with SEND stay on at the end of Year 11. They are supported extremely well to make the transition into post-16 study.

The quality of students' sixth-form experience is reflected in their strong academic outcomes, progression to universities and high-quality apprenticeships.

Staff are well supported by leaders at all levels. The well-being of staff is a priority.

Workload is routinely considered and managed effectively. The school is heavily involved in and committed to supporting other trust schools and the wider education community.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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