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Pupils, staff, parents and carers agree that there is a real sense of community at this school. They are proud to be part of 'Team Godley'. They strive to live out the school values and to 'Believe to achieve and shine together'.
Pupils are happy, safe and enjoy their learning.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils' achievements, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Most pupils and children achieve well across a range of subjects.
Teachers expect exemplary behaviour from pupils. Pupils rise to these high expectations. They are kind and caring.
They are respectful and polite to each other and to adults. Pupil...s are keen to earn merits and 'You've been spotted' tickets.Pupils have trusted adults in school to talk to about concerns.
Leaders deal quickly and effectively with any concerns that pupils have, including bullying.Pupils experience an exceptional range of enrichment activities. For example, pupils perform confidently as part of 'Godley Noise', the school band, both in school and at a variety of concerts.
They take great pride in their work to produce the weekly 'what's going on' video broadcast for their school website. Pupils value the range of clubs they are able to attend, such as cookery, yoga, chess and eco-club. By carrying out roles such as peer mentors and play leaders, they learn to make a positive difference to their school community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff have worked with the multi-academy trust to design an aspirational and ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including those pupils with SEND. The bespoke curriculum has been developed with a focus on inspiration from the school's locality and beyond. It is designed to enrich pupils' learning.
Key knowledge pupils will learn from the early years to the end of Year 6 is clearly identified. Leaders make it clear to teachers when this knowledge should be taught.
Staff are provided with regular curriculum training to develop their skills and knowledge of how to teach different subjects effectively.
As a result, staff are confident in delivering the curriculum across a range of subjects. Teachers use their strong subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum well. In lessons, teachers use assessment strategies effectively to support pupils' grasp of important knowledge.
In many subjects, teachers check as a matter of routine that the earlier learning of pupils is secure. However, in some subjects, leaders are refining their systems to ensure that teachers identify what pupils can recall of their prior learning. In these subjects, teachers are not as well equipped to check that pupils have retained their learning securely in their long-term memory.
This means that some pupils cannot apply prior knowledge to new learning. As a result, some pupils do not secure a rich body of subject knowledge over time in these subjects.
Leaders prioritise reading from the moment that children start school.
Children in Nursery are introduced to sounds and vocabulary through stories, rhymes and play. Pupils are surrounded by an environment where books are held in high regard. Leaders and staff have created attractive and inviting reading areas in classrooms and the 'Reading Den'.
This encourages pupils to read and share books with each other.Staff are trained to deliver the phonics programme well. The books that pupils and children read closely match the sounds they are learning.
Any pupils who struggle with reading are supported to keep up with their peers. Older pupils read confidently and fluently. They enjoy taking part in the 'Godley reading challenge', which encourages them to read widely and often.
They appreciate the joy that books can provide. As a result, most pupils achieve well and become confident and fluent readers.Pupils with SEND are identified quickly.
Leaders work closely with other professionals to ensure that these pupils receive the support they need. Teachers use a range of effective approaches to adapt their delivery of the curriculum. This means that pupils with SEND follow the same curriculum as their classmates.
Pupils throughout the school maintain leaders' high expectations for standards of behaviour. Classrooms are calm and purposeful. Pupils are able to focus on their learning without distraction.
All pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, benefit from the extensive range of experiences that leaders plan for them to enhance their personal development. Pupils are inspired and motivated to be aspirational for their future lives. They experience a wealth of enrichment activities to broaden their horizons and extend their understanding of the wider world.
Pupils have a keen understanding of diversity and the importance of respecting differences. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about their work with their link school in Nepal. These experiences prepare pupils extremely well for life in modern Britain and for the next stage of their education.
Trustees and those responsible for governance know the school well. They hold senior leaders to account effectively and provide appropriate support when required. Staff morale is high.
Staff value the support they receive from the trust to develop professionally. They feel that senior leaders and those responsible for governance are mindful of their workload and well-being.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders and staff know their community well. Staff are trained to be alert to any signs that indicate pupils may be at risk of harm. Leaders make timely referrals to external agencies to ensure that pupils and families receive the support they need.
Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe in and out of school, including when online. They are aware of what to do if they come across something that worries them. They learn about road and bike safety and about the dangers of knife crime.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some subjects, pupils do not retain what they have learned securely enough in their long-term memory. This means that they cannot apply prior knowledge to new learning, which prevents them from securing a rich body of knowledge over time. Leaders should refine and develop strategies to ensure that pupils embed knowledge successfully in their long-term memory in these subjects.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.