Goffs - Churchgate Academy

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About Goffs - Churchgate Academy

Name Goffs - Churchgate Academy
Website http://www.goffschurchgate.herts.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Zoe Hussain
Address College Road, Cheshunt, Waltham Cross, EN8 9LY
Phone Number 01992624375
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 603
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

True to the school's motto, pupils at Goffs – Churchgate Academy are respectful and aspirational.

Pupils enjoy learning and benefit from the high ambition leaders have for their education. Pupils develop lots of knowledge because teachers are constantly challenging them to work hard.

Pupils enjoy extensive opportunities to develop their talents and learn about the wider world.

They benefit from an award-winning curriculum for personal development. Pupils take part in social campaigns and environmental care, and they learn about diversity and equality. They say that staff 'go the extra mile' to help them develop their interests.

For example, one pupil... commented on how they had expressed an interest in creative writing, and the next week the creative writing club started.

Pupils are clear about the school's routines for behaviour. They learn in calm and orderly environments.

There is a strong sense of community. Pupils say that staff deal with bullying quickly if it does occur. They say that staff care for them and give them lots of information that helps them stay healthy and develop positive relationships.

Pupils say that they feel safe in school and are happy to talk to staff when they are concerned or worried.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum that goes well beyond the national requirements and is well established in all subjects. Leaders have identified the important aspects of each subject and have planned 'learning journeys' for pupils to follow.

Pupils talk about the learning journeys and curriculum plans that leaders share with them. Pupils say that this helps them to understand more of what is being taught. Pupils' good behaviour helps them to learn well in lessons.

Leaders use assessment in every lesson to check what pupils have learned. Pupils revisit work they have misunderstood regularly. In science, for instance, teachers saw gaps in pupils' knowledge about radiation.

Teachers retaught this, so pupils could understand radioactive decay and nuclear waste.

The curriculum is designed in stages so that it meet the needs of all pupils. However, some staff need to develop their skills further in teaching pupils who are able to understand the more difficult content.

Leaders train staff to teach pupils how to read, and support pupils who struggle with the early stages of reading. Staff aim to create a 'buzz' around reading for pupils in lessons and during social times. Pupils study oracy lessons and are taught to read aloud confidently.

Pupils who need to catch up with their reading make progress in the bespoke programmes that leaders provide.

Leaders ensure that teachers have the information they need to support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Teachers support these pupils well in accessing the full curriculum.

However, sometimes learning assistants supporting pupils with SEND in the classrooms do not have clear enough direction and focus. Where this is the case, the support they provide is less effective.

Leaders have implemented a personal development curriculum that provides excellent support for pupils to flourish in diverse aspects of their lives.

Staff thoroughly plan and expertly deliver the content. All pupils are taught 'respect lessons' and follow a 'character charter curriculum' in Years 7 and 8. Pupils are taught resilience and independence and are given frequent opportunities to debate their opinions.

The personal development curriculum is central to how pupils gain a secure understanding of physical and emotional health. It is part of the school's aim to 'ensure all pupils are positive future citizens'.

Pupils receive high-quality careers advice and guidance.

This supports them to make appropriate choices about their next steps. There has been a large increase in pupils going on to study A levels and/or BTEC National Diplomas in local sixth forms.

Leaders and staff are united in their vision on moving the school forward.

Staff feel well supported. Leaders help staff to manage their workload. Leaders have a clear understanding of how to improve the school further.

They have strong systems to check the quality of teaching and how well pupils are learning.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders train staff very well so that they are able to recognise and report concerns.

Pupils say that staff deal with safeguarding issues quickly. Pupils feel safe at school. Leaders are tenacious when dealing with outside agencies.

This ensures that pupils get the help they need. Records are thorough and show prompt actions. Leaders manage the recruitment of staff who are suitable to work with pupils well.

The curriculum teaches pupils how to keep themselves safe in their personal lives, including when online. Leaders have created effective ways for pupils to come and talk to adults if they have a concern.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have designed a curriculum that supports the needs of pupils.

However, some staff are not as able to challenge and deepen pupils' understanding of the more complex aspects of this curriculum. As a result, some pupils are not challenged as much as they could be. Leaders should ensure that staff are knowledgeable and confident in delivering all aspects of the curriculum.

The extra support given to pupils with SEND in lessons is variable. This means that some pupils with SEND are not accessing the curriculum as well as others. Leaders need to monitor the extra support given by learning assistants more closely and ensure that it is of a consistently high quality.

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