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Pupils enjoy life at Goldthorn Park Primary School. They love reading and getting lost in a story.
Pupils know that they learn lots from books. Pupils are very aware of the importance of learning to read for future life.
Leaders are ambitious for pupils.
They want every pupil to do as well as they can and to leave the school well prepared for the next stage in their education. The school vision is for the 'children to be the best they can be and through learning believe they can achieve anything'.
Staff and pupils treat each other with respect.
There is a family atmosphere about the place. Pupils show kindness to those around them and try to... support each other in their learning. Bullying rarely happens and when it does, pupils are confident that staff will deal with it.
Pupils feel safe at school.
Leaders provide many opportunities for pupils to develop leadership skills. Some pupils are members of the 'young interpreters' group.
This group supports new pupils to the school who may not speak English well. The 'young interpreters' show new pupils where things are. They play with them and help them learn.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Together with leaders from the Elston Hall Learning Trust, the headteacher and the leadership team have made significant improvements across the school. Senior leaders have redesigned the curriculum and teaching approaches. They have provided high-quality training for staff.
The curriculum has been carefully considered and is ambitious. Leaders have identified the knowledge and skills they want pupils to learn. Where the curriculum is well structured, pupils are taught knowledge and ideas well.
In mathematics, for example, teachers recap useful learning so that pupils can deepen their understanding. This helps pupils become proficient in applying their skills in number and calculations. However, some of the curriculum has only recently been designed.
Leaders are aware that pupils' knowledge and skills are not yet secure in these subjects.
Subject leaders support their colleagues to develop the subject knowledge they need to teach. Most have a clear overview of what is going well in their subject, and what needs to be done to improve it further.
Some subject leaders have only recently started to check the implementation of the curriculum. This means that they are not yet able to measure the effectiveness of the curriculum in their subjects. Leaders are addressing this.
Teachers make regular checks to see how well pupils have understood their learning. They use this information to identify pupils who need extra help to fill gaps in their knowledge.The school is an inclusive community.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or those who speak English as an additional language do well in school. Leaders quickly identify any pupils with additional needs. Staff receive appropriate training to help them meet the individual needs of pupils.
Leaders prioritise the teaching of reading. The daily phonics sessions are highly structured. Pupils in the early years begin to learn phonics straight away.
Teachers regularly check which sounds pupils can remember. Pupils use the sounds they know to read books with confidence and increasing fluency. Teachers select books for pupils to read that match well the sounds they are learning.
Pupils with SEND learn to read well.
Leaders have thought about the books and authors they want pupils to know. They ensure that pupils read a range of high-quality texts.
Older pupils use these texts to help develop their reading skills, such as inference and retrieval. Pupils enjoy hearing adults reading their favourite stories.
In the early years, children benefit from the positive relationships staff build with their parents and carers.
Children settle into school quickly, are happy and enjoy sharing activities. Staff focus on the key knowledge and skills that the youngest pupils need to move on successfully into key stage 1.
Pupils respond well to staff's high expectations of how they should behave in lessons.
They listen carefully and follow teachers' instructions.
Pupils' personal development is high on leaders' agenda. Teachers plan rich and exciting experiences for pupils.
Pupils enjoy a variety of clubs, for example sports and well-being. They talk enthusiastically about trips out of school, such as a recent visit to Cadbury World. All pupils have equal access to all opportunities offered.
Governors fulfil their roles well. They visit the school regularly and ensure they are well informed. They use this information to question leaders about the school's performance.
Leaders support staff's well-being effectively.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have created a caring community.
Pupils' safety, welfare and well-being are leaders' number one priority. Everyone is encouraged to be vigilant. Leaders have up-to-date expertise in all aspects of safeguarding.
They act swiftly should any pupils require extra help. They access support from external agencies should it be necessary. Leaders maintain careful records and oversee an effective package of staff's training.
Suitable pre-employment checks are made on all adults who work with the children in school. Pupils feel safe and happy here, and parents confirm this. The curriculum promotes learning how to keep yourself safe, including when online.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school's curriculum is not yet sufficiently well planned and sequenced in some subjects. However, it is clear from leaders' actions that they are in the process of bringing this about, and are making any necessary amendments in response to the pandemic. For this reason, the transitional arrangements have been taken into account.
• The revised curriculum for some subjects is new. As a result, pupils' knowledge and skills are not yet secure in all areas of the curriculum. Leaders should continue with their work to assure themselves that the planned curriculum is structured and implemented consistently well in all subjects across the key stages.
• Some subject leaders have only recently started to check the implementation of the curriculum. This means that they are not yet able to evaluate fully the effectiveness of the curriculum in their subjects. Senior leaders should ensure that subject leaders further develop their monitoring and evaluation of the curriculum so that they can provide better support to teachers.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.