Gosforth Junior High Academy

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About Gosforth Junior High Academy

Name Gosforth Junior High Academy
Website https://www.juniorhighacademy.org.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Principal Ciara Swain
Address Regent Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE3 1EE
Phone Number 01912851000
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 9-13
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 738
Local Authority Newcastle upon Tyne
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Gosforth Junior High Academy is a welcoming, friendly and inclusive school.

Strong relationships between all members of the school community benefit everyone, creating a supportive and aspirational environment. Pupils feel safe. They feel listened to and know that adults take any concerns seriously.

The school has high expectations for what pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), can achieve academically. This includes pupils who attend the additionally resourced provision for pupils with a visual impairment. Pupils are enthusiastic about their learning, particularly reading.

As a result, they achieve well.

...>The school also has high expectations of pupils' behaviour, and these expectations are realised. Pupils are polite and courteous.

There is a purposeful and calm atmosphere in classrooms. Pupils are engaged in their learning and curious to learn more. They are attentive and keen to contribute.

Pupils have a range of opportunities to extend their interests and talents after school, such as choir, debate and chess clubs. Pupils participate in numerous residential trips as well as visiting local sites, such as the nearby nature reserve and church. These activities strengthen pupils' personal development and confidence while also building on their learning in different subjects.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has high ambitions and expectations of all pupils. They have considered the crucial knowledge that pupils must learn and sequenced this logically throughout the curriculum. This means pupils deepen their knowledge over time and are well prepared for their next steps in learning.

Teachers use strong subject knowledge to plan activities that help pupils learn the intended knowledge. Over the last 12 months, the school has been developing its approach to assessment. Teachers use questioning and retrieval quizzes to check whether pupils have gained the specific knowledge that is set out in the curriculum.

However, this is not yet consistent across the school. This hinders teachers' ability to effectively plan for pupils' future learning.

The school is quick to identify pupils with SEND.

Teachers are provided with concise and relevant information about the individual needs of pupils with SEND. Teachers use this information to provide targeted and precise support. As a result, pupils with SEND learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers.

Reading is a priority at Gosforth Junior High Academy. Pupils enjoy reading a range of novels, poetry and non-fiction texts during form time. Pupils who struggle with reading receive additional support matched to their needs.

A love of reading is fostered through events, such as 'read a book in a day' and reading ambassadors.Older pupils offer encouragement and reassurance in the role as reading buddies for younger pupils.

Pupils' behaviour is exceptionally good.

Pupils know what is expected of them. Consequently, disruption to learning by the behaviour of others is rare. Pupils take pleasure in receiving 'PRAISE' stamps for positivity, resilience, aspiration, inclusion, success and empathy.

They value the 'PRAISE' code and use it to guide their behaviour and actions.

Pupils' attitudes to learning and school are positive. For the majority of pupils, attendance is high.

However, some vulnerable groups of pupils do not attend school as often as their peers do. As a result, they miss important learning and experiences.

Pupils' broader personal development is well catered for.

Leaders have designed a curriculum in which pupils learn the skills and knowledge they need to live in modern Britain. Pupils learn about fundamental British values, such as democracy, ways to stay physically and mentally healthy and how to keep themselves safe online.

Pupils also have many opportunities to develop their leadership skills through being elected to roles of responsibility.

Pupils are proud to take up these roles, striving to help other pupils and school leaders to make the school even better. Equality and respect are at the centre of school life. As one pupil commented, they had learned that 'At this school, it is okay to be myself.'

Staff enjoy working at the school. They feel valued by leaders and well supported. Trustees and academy advisors know the school and the community well.

They offer both challenge and support.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The school's approach to checking what pupils know and remember is still relatively new.

Sometimes, assessment is not used consistently well to identify whether pupils have learned what was intended. The school should continue to develop the checks that are made on pupils' understanding to inform future planning for pupils' learning. ? Some vulnerable groups of pupils do not attend school regularly enough.

This means pupils miss important learning and school experience. The school should ensure that it strengthens its work to ensure that they improve these pupils' rates of attendance. This is so that these pupils can benefit from the good quality of education that the school provides.

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