Gospel Oak Primary School

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About Gospel Oak Primary School

Name Gospel Oak Primary School
Website http://www.gospeloak.camden.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr John Hayes
Address Mansfield Road, London, NW3 2JB
Phone Number 02074857435
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 447
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school The foundation of the school's success is its cohesive community and collective sense of ambition for its pupils. The headteacher's determination, clear leadership and thorough understanding of the school's priorities have led to a robust and purposeful approach to school improvement.

Leaders at all levels are highly effective, skilful and share a common aim. This ensures that their high expectations pervade all aspects of the school's work and that policies are implemented consistently across the school. Governors have a professional approach to their roles.

They provide the right level of support and challenge to school leaders ...and evaluate their work critically. Pupils' outcomes are outstanding. In 2015, the proportions of pupils reaching the expected level at the end of Key Stage 2 in reading, writing and mathematics were above average.

The proportions of pupils making expected, and more than expected, progress were well above average. Teaching is highly responsive to pupils' needs. Teachers are very perceptive, quickly gaining an appreciation of pupils' levels of understanding and expertly intervening to support their learning.

Pupils' attitudes to learning and their respectful attitudes towards each other and adults are exemplary. They value their education highly, are ambitious and are extremely well prepared for life beyond school. The breadth of the curriculum combined with extremely effective specialist teaching and a wealth of extra-curricular activities means that pupils benefit from high-quality and diverse opportunities.

Teaching in the early years establishes the secure foundations on which children build as they move through Key Stages 1 and 2. The resilience, confidence and security of understanding in key skills prepares children exceptionally well for their learning in Year 1. Pupils demonstrate an extremely high level of responsibility.

They are polite, enthusiastic and move around school without fuss or the need for any significant adult intervention. Parents hold the school in exceedingly high regard. They have great praise for the staff, their inspirational approach and the extent to which their children feel safe in school.

Information about this school

The headteacher joined the school in January 2012, since the previous inspection. The school is significantly larger than the average-sized primary school. The school meets the current government floor standards (the minimum standards for pupils' attainment and progress at the age of 11).

The proportion of pupils with ethnic minority backgrounds is well above average. Approximately half of the pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils who are disabled or have special educational needs is average.

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