Grafton Primary School

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About Grafton Primary School

Name Grafton Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Andrew Turnock
Address Eburne Road, Holloway, London, N7 6AR
Phone Number 02072723284
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 436
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Grafton are polite, thoughtful and respectful.

The school's values are exemplified by pupils and staff each day. Relationships across the school are very positive. Pupils speak with enthusiasm and demonstrate high levels of motivation towards their learning.

Behaviour is excellent. On the rare occasion there are any disputes, pupils resolve these quickly. Pupils trust staff to help them with any concerns they may have.

This helps to ensure that pupils feel safe and are kept safe at school.

Pupils understand the importance of diversity and treating people equally. For example, pupils learn about different religious festivals and mark events ...such as International Women's Day.

Pupils are keen to take on additional responsibilities and develop their own leadership skills. For example, they are elected as members of the school council.

All pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from a wide range of additional activities and educational outings in and beyond London.

For example, pupils have visited Paris and Devon. Pupils enjoy representing their school. For example, pupils' artwork has been displayed at the National Gallery and the Fifth Plinth Project.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has undergone significant changes in leadership and staffing. Leaders have rightly focused on reviewing the curriculum and continuing to improve the quality of education that pupils receive. Leaders, including those responsible for governance, have a detailed understanding of the school's many strengths.

Appropriate plans are in place to address the priorities that have been accurately identified.

The curriculum matches and, in some areas, exceeds the breadth and ambition of what is expected nationally. In each subject, leaders have identified the important knowledge pupils need to learn and remember.

This is sequenced to allow pupils to build their understanding cumulatively as they move through the school. For example, in art, pupils practise and refine their use of different media. As a result, pupils build their knowledge and skills over time and produce increasingly accurate pieces of artwork.

There are a few subjects that are at an earlier stage of implementation. In these areas, opportunity is not consistently provided for pupils to practise and embed important ideas. As a result, some pupils find it hard to remember and apply previous knowledge to new learning.

Leaders ensure that reading is prioritised from early years onwards. In the Nursery, children are encouraged to join in with songs and rhymes and share books with adults. From the Reception Year, children follow a carefully constructed phonics programme, delivered by well-trained staff.

Staff ensure that pupils read books that are closely matched to their developing phonics knowledge. This helps pupils to become confident and fluent readers. Teachers check pupils' reading regularly.

They identify those who need additional support to help them catch up quickly. Pupils read widely and often. They enjoy talking about their favourite books and authors.

Pupils with SEND are swiftly and accurately identified. Staff understand their needs and are well trained to make appropriate adaptations to activities. As a result, pupils access the same ambitious curriculum as their peers and achieve well.

Pupils behave impeccably in lessons and at social times. They demonstrate respect towards adults and their peers. From the start of early years, children learn to follow well-established routines.

The school has effective systems in place to encourage high attendance.

Pupils' broader personal development is exceptional. The curriculum is designed to help pupils understand how to maintain good physical and emotional health and the importance of safe and respectful relationships.

Through the News Wise project, pupils are encouraged to reflect on the sort of person they want to be and the importance of courage, truth and challenging assumptions.

Leaders, including those responsible for governance, are proactive in managing workload. Staff feel very well supported to develop professionally and that their well-being is a priority.

The members of the governing body use their expertise and experience effectively to support leaders in their drive for continuous improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• A small number of subjects are at an earlier stage of implementation.

In these instances, the important ideas that pupils need to secure are not consistently reinforced. As a result, some pupils find it hard to remember and apply previous knowledge to new learning. The school should ensure that pupils are provided with regular opportunity to return to, practise and apply key knowledge in these subjects.

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