Grazebrook Primary School

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About Grazebrook Primary School

Name Grazebrook Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Nicole Reid (Executive Headteacher)
Address Grazebrook Primary School, Lordship Road, London, N16 0QP
Phone Number 02088024051
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 457
Local Authority Hackney
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have created a calm and orderly environment in which pupils flourish. Pupils readily take ownership of demonstrating and living out the school values of kindness, focus, creativity, responsibility and collaboration. This can be seen throughout the school.

The Grazebrook 'passport' aims to support pupils to develop as active citizens and enhance their understanding of the world around them. Pupils are proud to take part in charity work because they want to improve the lives of their wider community.

The curriculum is highly ambitious and broad for all, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders ensure that all pu...pils are able to fully follow the curriculum. Pupils show real enjoyment and delight in learning new ideas and engaging with different experiences. Pupils achieve highly across the curriculum.

Extremely strong outcomes in national assessments help to exemplify the strength of the curriculum and how well it is delivered.

There are strong behaviour routines in place at the school. These are lived and understood by all, from early years upwards.

Behaviour is a strength. Pupils are kind and courteous. In lessons, pupils' conduct positively supports learning.

Pupils said that their own attitudes and those of their peers have a positive impact on their time at school.

Pupils are kept safe at this school. Pupils feel safe and all have adults who they know they can talk to about any worries.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Right from the start, in early years, leaders have planned a curriculum that supports pupils to be highly successful in their learning. The curriculum is as ambitious as the national curriculum for all subjects and exceeds it for some. Leaders have given considerable thought to when pupils learn and practise certain ideas and concepts in a subject.

This means that learning builds seamlessly on pupils' prior knowledge, enabling them to progress smoothly through the intended curriculum. Teachers think carefully about how best to adapt the way the curriculum is taught for their classes and pupils. This allows all pupils to be extremely successful in their learning across the curriculum.

Assessment is used to check that the curriculum is being learned and remembered by pupils. Teachers quickly address misconceptions in the moment, and they use more formal assessments to fine-tune what is taught and practised.

Reading runs through all that happens at the school.

It is prioritised from day one of Reception Year, where children begin to learn phonics through a well-structured programme. Teachers have the expertise to ensure that all pupils become accurate and fluent readers. Training provided to teaching staff enables them to deliver the phonics scheme with fidelity.

Assessments are used to identify any gaps in knowledge, and any that are present are quickly filled by expertly led additional teaching support. Pupils' outcomes in the phonics screening check are strong, although leaders only see this as a first step. They also focus sharply on making sure that pupils have a strong understanding of what they are reading and develop a love of books.

Pupils are immersed in books, language and stories. All of this leads to pupils becoming fluent and joyful readers.

The learning of pupils with SEND is prioritised.

Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND access the same curriculum as their peers. Regular communication with parents and carers, teacher, and other agencies helps to ensure that all pupils' needs are understood and well supported. Teachers receive appropriate training to enable them to support pupils to thrive in all aspects of school life.

Purposeful adaptations to learning have a positive impact on how well pupils know and remember more of the planned curriculum. Leaders also give extra support for pupils with SEND to ensure that they are successful when they move to a new year group or school.

Pupils' attendance is high when compared to national averages.

The school has established regular rules and routines, which are understood by all. Behaviour around school, including during breaks, in lessons and assemblies, is consistently very positive. Pupils readily take on responsibility for improving the life of all in their school community.

Beginning in early years, leaders ensure that all that the school does aims to develop the character of the whole pupil. Leaders know their pupils very well. They make sure that enrichment experiences and opportunities are aspirational and well designed to meet pupils' needs.

Pupils have multiple opportunities to contribute to school life through a number of roles. These include being subject ambassadors, learning counsellors and playground friends. Pupils make applications for these roles, and the work that they do is highly valued by the whole-school community.

Leaders are relentless in their work to deliver high-quality learning and a rich set of wider experiences for pupils. They ensure that all staff receive carefully planned professional development. This means that staff can support pupils very effectively in their progression through the curriculum.

Leaders also successfully promote staff well-being.

The work of the governing body and the wider federation is effective and well targeted in supporting the school to achieve its ambitions for pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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