Great Denham Primary School

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About Great Denham Primary School

Name Great Denham Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Denise Burgess
Address Greenkeepers Road, Great Denham, Bedford, MK40 4GG
Phone Number 01234266245
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 644
Local Authority Bedford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are excited to attend this vibrant school.

They participate in a wide and interesting set of activities that greatly enhance school life. Participation in these activities means that pupils are inspired to learn. Through these opportunities and skilled teaching, pupils' knowledge develops very well.

They are exceptionally well prepared for secondary school and life in modern Britain.Pupils behave exceptionally well and work hard to uphold the school's values. If they are successful, they wear their reward badges with great pride.

Pupils work hard in lessons. They focus really well on their learning tasks because staff make them relevant and important. ...For example, pupils often take part in activities that teach them about being helpful in the community.

This includes community events, such as the local Remembrance services, of which the school is an integral part.Due to the supportive and positive relationships between staff and pupils, pupils know that all the adults in the school will help them and keep them safe.Pupils are clear about how others should be valued.

They know that we are all different and that this is positive. Many pupils enjoy raising money for others. This means they learn to show compassion and understanding.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has an ambitious and well-structured curriculum further enriched by wider opportunities. The knowledge and skills pupils learn are well-sequenced and build towards understanding more complex knowledge. The school chooses to use a project-based approach to learning, which begins in the early years and develops in complexity as the pupils get older.

The school checks to ensure that this approach fits the national curriculum and develops pupils' knowledge precisely. Staff present learning through tasks that engage and are relevant. Staff have strong subject knowledge.

They design activities that inspire and build up knowledge securely. As a result, pupils remember their learning and achieve exceptionally well.

Pupils love to read.

The school sparks an interest in books even before pupils can read. It develops pupils' knowledge through engaging, book-themed experiences. For example, the school plans for pupils to have relevant and real-life experiences that relate to the class book before reading it.

Pupils also explore themes and grammar in the texts they read. Pupils' writing has a clear purpose, for example by writing poems to read to the community. As a result, reading and writing are relevant, and pupils understand why they are important life skills.

Pupils learn to read as soon as they start school. In Nursery, most children can identify the first sounds in simple words. This prepares them well for their learning in Reception.

The daily phonics sessions are effective. Staff have strong subject knowledge and model the sounds very clearly to pupils. This is important as it means that pupils learn to say sounds accurately.

Pupils use this knowledge to read new and unfamiliar words. Pupils who are not fluent readers have effective, targeted support. Pupils achieve exceptionally well in reading.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from highly effective teaching and support. Staff know pupils' individual needs. This means that they plan support that is precise, meets pupils' needs and helps pupils with SEND to make strong progress.

For example, some pupils with SEND read parts of books prior to the whole-class reading sessions. They can talk through themes and learn new and unfamiliar words. This preparation helps them learn the same curriculum as their peers successfully.

The school also provides high-quality pastoral support to any pupils who need this.The school's personal development programme is broad and of exceptional quality. This means that pupils can develop their talents and interests.

There is a particular emphasis on music and sport, which contributes to the provision. The school also prioritises activities that develop pupils' knowledge of the wider world. These activities are well-considered, exciting and effective.

They weave across the whole curriculum. Pupil leadership is strong and pupils are proud of their impact. They understand their contribution well, including when raising money for charity.

Children in the early years behave excellently. This is because they have learned and understood the school rules and routines. They get on well with each other and are beginning to develop resilience.

They are well-prepared for the next stage of learning. This positive start continues as pupils move through the school. Older pupils develop even more independence and positive attitudes.

This means they know it is important to behave well even when they are not instructed or are on their own.Leaders, governors and staff share the same goals and visions. A well-developed leadership programme creates this cohesion.

Staff are well-supported through effective training and are enabled to be leaders of their own subjects or school development areas. Staff know they can ask for guidance and will get support should they need it.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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