Great Hucklow CE Primary

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About Great Hucklow CE Primary

Name Great Hucklow CE Primary
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Andrea Tomlinson
Address School Lane, Great Hucklow, Buxton, SK17 8RG
Phone Number 01298871293
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 26
Local Authority Derbyshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a happy school where relationships between pupils and staff are positive. Leaders work hard to ensure that the school feels part of the wider federation of schools. There is a palpable sense of community.

The 'together days' further cement the sense of being part of something special. These days make sure that pupils learn to be respectful and provide opportunities to enhance pupils' learning. The woodland environment surrounding the school is well used to enhance the curriculum.

For example, it is used every week to bring learning in science to life.

All staff are ambitious for pupils to succeed, particularly those who are disadvantaged and those wit...h special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils achieve this ambition because staff really know and understand them.

Staff nurture talents by providing a range of different experiences. Leaders actively seek out partnerships to further enhance what the school can offer, such as opportunities to take part in sport.

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

They collaborate well in class, supporting each other with their learning. Pupils behave well. They know that staff care for them and will help them if they need it.

Pupils say bullying does not happen but know that staff will deal with it should it occur.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils learn to read as soon as they start in the Reception Year. In the teaching of phonics, books and resources are used appropriately so they match the needs of all pupils.

Staff skilfully resolve any misconceptions should they arise. If pupils fall behind, rigorous checks help to identify them swiftly. These pupils receive the support they need to catch up.

Reading and books have a central place in the school curriculum. Leaders choose books that represent life in multicultural Britain. These books help to raise aspirations, for example by sharing stories of the life, and struggles, of famous musicians with disabilities.

Pupils say they enjoy reading.

Leaders have established an ambitious curriculum. Subject plans are well structured.

Staff have the knowledge required to teach the intended curriculum. Regular training deepens teachers' knowledge. This ensures they can challenge pupils' learning and support appropriately.

As one pupil stated when talking about mathematics: 'It can be hard sometimes, but I feel helped by my teacher if I don't get it.' Teachers check what pupils know and remember. Pupils remember much of the curriculum.

For instance, from previous topics in history, pupils could recall rituals of the Aztecs and that the Romans were invaders. Regular trips take place to enhance the learning, such as a visit to the Roman fort in Chesterfield. Subject leaders are still developing some aspects of their leadership skills.

In particular, checking how well the curriculum is being implemented.

There is a calm and organised approach in the early years foundation stage (EYFS). Well-designed activities provide focused learning experiences.

These support children's development in the curriculum's areas of learning. However, in a few of these areas, the curriculum documentation lacks detail. Improvements are already evident and leaders have a clear plan for further development.

Children work independently and well with each other. Adults support children appropriately and ask questions to deepen their understanding. Children work calmly yet purposefully.

Pupils with SEND are well supported. Leaders and teachers take time to identify these pupils' needs. They set clear targets to ensure that all staff can provide pupils with SEND with the necessary support.

Parents and careers feel supported too. One parent typically stated: 'My child has so many needs. The school could not have done more for them.'

Pupils have positive attitudes towards school and their learning. Expectations for behaviour are high. The school's behaviour policy is consistently applied.

Pupils enjoy the 'good to be green' cards and state that these motivate them to behave well. Low-level disruption is rare. Pupils are polite to one another and to visitors.

There is a calm and relaxed atmosphere around school.

Pupils have a good understanding of equality and diversity. This is because leaders place this central to the school's ethos.

As one pupil stated: 'It doesn't matter where you're from. I'm not sure why it would.' Despite the school's size, there are a range of activities for pupils to experience in the locality.

Leaders understand their community and the needs of their pupils. For example, they organise a farm visit for pupils to learn about the hazards of farming.

Staff appreciate consideration of their well-being.

Governors have a sound understanding of their role and undertake it diligently. Support from the local authority has been particularly effective in helping to secure improvements since the last inspection.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Systems to keep pupils safe are thorough. Staff understand the signs of potential harm. They know the importance of sharing safeguarding information appropriately.

Leaders regularly check records to monitor for any possible concerns. They seek additional agency support where necessary, and are tenacious to ensure the support is successful. Leaders check to make sure that only appropriate adults work in the school.

Governors regularly check the systems for keeping pupils safe in school so that they work well.

Pupils say they feel safe in school. They learn how to keep themselves safe when working online and when in the community.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders are still developing some aspects of their leadership skills, particularly checking how well the curriculum is being implemented. As a result, they are not yet providing clear guidance on how to improve the teaching of the curriculum in a few subjects. Leaders should ensure that all subject leaders have the skills and expertise they need so that they can lead their subjects and support teachers effectively.

• In some of the areas of learning in EYFS, the curriculum documentation lacks detail. As a consequence, teachers are not always clear on the progress some pupils make in these areas. Leaders should make sure that all areas of learning in the EYFS curriculum have the necessary detail to enable staff to deliver a comprehensive curriculum that will enable all children to secure good levels of development in all areas.

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