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The school's ethos is warm and welcoming. Right across the school, pupils' attitudes reflect respect for each other, the wider community and the environment. Pupils care about each other.
They are safe and happy. Pupils celebrate difference and are knowledgeable about different faiths. Staff have high expectations of pupils' conduct.
Most pupils meet or exceed these expectations. Pupils who need more support to manage their behaviour get the right help. The school offers pupils a rich range of rewards, including 'person of the week', to encourage high self-esteem.
The school has a broad and effective curriculum, which continues to rapidly develop. Right from ...the early years, the school has high expectations of all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). In most subjects, all pupils learn and remember well.
However, in a small number of wider curriculum subjects, pupils' understanding sometimes lacks depth.
Pupils with SEND are fully included in the life of the school. Around one third of the school's council is made up of pupils with SEND.
The council has a positive impact on the school. Members advocate for new extra-curricular clubs based on suggestions from classmates. They schedule some of the outdoor activities so that everyone gets a turn.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has improved rapidly. Staff access a wide range of training and networking opportunities, which supports them to continually develop, especially in curriculum implementation. They appreciate these opportunities and morale is generally very high.
Governors are committed to the school and its community. They carry out their statutory duties and support the school to continually improve.
In most subjects, the school has identified the important knowledge pupils should learn.
This is broken down to carefully match the needs of pupils. Teachers revisit important knowledge to help pupils remember. They address misconceptions effectively.
Staff adapt their approaches, when needed, so that pupils with SEND learn and achieve well. Regular educational visits help bring the curriculum to life. For example, visiting a butterfly house helps pupils learn about life cycles.
However, in a small number of wider curriculum subjects, the school has not clearly identified the most important knowledge pupils should learn. Where this happens, pupils' knowledge of some aspects of the curriculum is less secure.
The school has a highly effective curriculum for teaching early reading.
Pupils quickly learn to sound out words using their knowledge of phonics. Pupils who need more support with reading get the right help from well-trained staff. Most pupils enjoy reading.
They are keen to share and discuss books with their peers during weekly visits to the school library.
In the early years, children get off to a great start. The curriculum is well designed to prepare children for Year 1.
Staff know pupils' strengths and next steps. Staff skilfully seize every opportunity to help children learn new words. The environment supports children to explore the curriculum through purposeful activities.
Children are keen to share what they know, including retelling familiar stories.
A strong pastoral system supports pupils' emotional development and resilience, right from the early years. There are clear routines across school.
Staff continually reinforce positive messages about behaviour. Pupils learn to manage feelings and be healthy. Behaviour during lessons and social times is generally positive.
The school manages incidents of poor behaviour highly effectively. The school has supported many pupils to improve their attendance. Despite this, some pupils still do not come to school regularly enough.
This means that these pupils miss important learning.
The curriculum for pupils' personal, social and health education (PSHE) is highly effective. For example, they learn strategies to support their mental health, including reducing screen time and the importance of sleep.
Pupils remember the PSHE curriculum well. The school provides a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop character and confidence. This includes regular sports competitions and opportunities to perform for an audience.
Some pupils apply to take over the school for the day and become temporary members of staff. Pupils are well prepared for secondary school and life beyond.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of wider curriculum subjects, the school has not clearly identified some of the important knowledge and skills that pupils should learn. Where this happens, pupils' knowledge lacks depth. The school should ensure that the important knowledge pupils need to remember is consistently clear across all subjects.
• Some pupils do not attend school regularly enough. These pupils miss out on learning opportunities and wider experiences when they are not in school. The school should ensure that attendance improves for all groups of pupils in the school.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.