Greenhill Primary School

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About Greenhill Primary School

Name Greenhill Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Scott Ellin
Address Greenhill Main Road, E, Sheffield, S8 7RA
Phone Number 01142377080
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 520
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have high expectations of pupils which are mirrored in the school's motto: 'be the best you can be'. Staff have thought carefully about the content of the curriculum, which builds on what pupils already know.

Pupils achieve well across a range of subjects. Pupils work hard in lessons and demonstrate how they are 'Greenhill learners' by showing enthusiasm, independence, creativity and their ability to work collaboratively.

Staff provide lots of support to make sure pupils are well looked after.

Pupils feel safe in school and know they can turn to adults if they have any worries or concerns. As part of the curriculum, pupils learn how to keep themselves... safe both inside and out of school. For example, pupils discussed different strategies they use to keep safe online.

Relationships between staff and pupils are friendly, positive and respectful. Pupils follow well-established routines and are well behaved. In class, pupils are eager to contribute to discussions and respect others' opinions.

Bullying is rare. When it does happen, staff act swiftly and effectively. Most pupils attend school regularly.

There is a small group who do not and because of this they miss out on too many lessons.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

As soon as children start in Reception Year, they begin to learn to read. The phonics programme is well led and suitably resourced.

All adults teach phonics sessions consistently well. To help develop their confidence and fluency, pupils read books containing sounds they know. They practise reading every day.

Additional sessions are provided for pupils who need extra help. Leaders have carefully chosen a range of high-quality books for pupils to read. Leaders promote links with the local library and organise a range of activities, such as 'reading challenges', to encourage pupils to read.

Leaders have a clear vision for the curriculum. They are ambitious for what pupils will achieve. This is reflected in the way leaders have developed the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.

Curriculum plans show how knowledge has been carefully sequenced from Reception Year through to Year 6. In art, pupils in Year 6 have developed their knowledge of shading techniques. This has built on previous learning.

Pupils were able to produce detailed observational drawings of animals. Teachers revisit essential knowledge using activities such as 'flashback' tasks in mathematics which helps pupils remember more over time.

Teachers regularly check what pupils have remembered.

They review their plans accordingly. Some curriculum leaders have a good understanding of the impact the curriculum is having on pupils' progress. For other subject leaders, this aspect of their role is still developing.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are supported well. Leaders are quick to identify the most effective ways to support these pupils. To remove barriers to learning, teachers change lessons and provide extra support and resources.

In addition, leaders work with external agencies to help these pupils do well.

Children make a good start in the early years. Teachers have planned what children need to learn to be well prepared for Year 1.

The curriculum focuses on communication and language, supported by carefully selected books. Adults support children to be able to work together and share resources. Routines are well developed and children know what is expected of them.

There are many activities which appeal to children's curiosity. For example, some children concentrated for a long time, with the aid of magnifying glasses, to produce detailed drawings of sunflowers.

Pupils behave well in lessons and around school.

Pupils who need extra help and guidance with their behaviour, get the help they require. Staff help these pupils make the right choices. Leaders provide support to ensure pupils attend regularly.

Most do, however, there are a few pupils who are frequently absent and because of this, they miss out on valuable learning.

Pupils' personal development is well planned and is woven into the curriculum. Pupils talked enthusiastically about residential trips, and the range of clubs and activities they attend.

Pupils learn about different religious beliefs, cultural communities and practices. Leaders give pupils opportunities to have leadership roles and responsibilities. These include sports leaders, eco-committee members, anti-bullying ambassadors and house captains.

Leaders manage the school well and Steel City Schools Partnership Trust has provided strong support. Leaders have an accurate view of the school's strengths and also the areas on which to focus to make it even better. Staff are committed and want the best for all pupils.

Teachers at all stages of their careers are well supported by leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed effective systems to identify the needs of vulnerable pupils and their families.

Staff are well trained and know how to record and raise concerns.Working with a range of external agencies, leaders ensure families get the help they need.

Safeguarding checks are made on staff prior to working in the school.

Governors check the school's safeguarding systems to ensure these are robust.Leaders promote and develop pupils' understanding and awareness of how to stay safe. They have ensured that the personal, social and health education curriculum supports pupils' awareness in a number of aspects, including healthy relationships and online safety.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, such as art and design and physical education (PE), monitoring systems are still in development. Because of this, some subject leaders do not have a detailed understanding of the effectiveness of the curriculum across all areas of their subject. Leaders need to ensure subject leaders acquire this information in order to provide teachers with appropriate support and guidance to further improve their subject.

• The attendance of some pupils is too low. As a result, these pupils are missing out on significant amounts of learning. Leaders must improve the attendance of pupils with weak attendance to ensure they benefit from the curriculum on offer.

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