Greenlands Primary School

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About Greenlands Primary School

Name Greenlands Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Alison Cook
Address Green Street Green Road, Darenth, Dartford, DA2 8DH
Phone Number 01474703178
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 5-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 194
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils feel safe and happy at this friendly school. They feel part of a team. Pupils model the values of the school.

They try to 'treat each other as we would want to be treated'. Pupils explain this by saying, 'We don't judge people.' They also do not worry about bullying because they know that it will not be tolerated.

Pupils say that behaviour is improving. The new policy has set out clear guidelines to ensure pupils understand how they need to behave to learn well. This is helping staff to be more consistent in their expectations and many pupils behave positively.

While key improvements have been made across the school, leaders recognise there is more to Currently, pupils do not consistently benefit from a fully considered curriculum. In addition, too many pupils do not attend school as well as they should.

This hinders their learning.

Pupils do benefit from the increased opportunities that leaders have created for them to be part of the school community, such as the newly formed school council. They are keen to wear the coloured tabards that indicate they are lunchtime monitors.

Pupils keenly take part in different sports events. They are proud of their achievements.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Well-targeted actions from leaders have stemmed a period of decline and staffing instability.

These have led to some success in some subjects and in improving behaviour. However, there is still more required to ensure pupils benefit from a consistently good standard of education. Leaders have set about this task with determination and focus.

Staff are united with leaders in wanting to secure the necessary improvements to provide the very best for pupils.

Leaders have put in place a well-structured curriculum in mathematics and reading. This supports teaching from Reception to Year 6 so that pupils build knowledge in a logical order.

In mathematics, well-focused checks on pupils' learning ensure teachers can identify and address gaps in knowledge swiftly. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from effective strategies for support, including digital resources accessed through a QR code.

Pupils' reading is improving.

A new approach to teaching phonics has enabled staff to teach effectively. Leaders monitor progress in reading carefully and provide additional support for pupils who require it. Staff make sure that pupils read books to practise the phonic sounds they know.

Teachers and pupils regularly read from a wide range of books that link with learning across the curriculum.

Much of the rest of the curriculum is at an earlier stage of development. Curriculum plans that sequence learning from Year 1 to Year 6 are in place.

However, as yet, learning in the early years has not been as carefully considered to ensure children make a successful transition into Year 1. In addition, pupils across the school do not always have the prior knowledge they need to learn the curriculum effectively. For example, pupils could not explore the identified activity in design technology because they did not have the background knowledge they needed about electricity.

Furthermore, in many subjects, teachers are not adapting learning carefully enough so that it meets the different needs of pupils with SEND. This is limiting how well these pupils with particular needs can achieve.

Pupils mostly behave well.

There is some low-level disruption but this is becoming increasingly rare. Staff are well supported by leaders in managing pupils' behaviour. Pupils who need additional help to manage their emotions and behaviour are provided for well.

They know that advice and support are always at hand. Despite leaders' ongoing work on raising attendance, some pupils do not attend school as well as they should. This leads to gaps in their learning and has a negative impact on their achievement.

The curriculum for pupils' personal development is strengthening. Pupils are increasingly setting goals for themselves and thinking about future ambitions. Leaders are working closely with parents on aspects such as the relationships and sex education policy.

This is to further develop how pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy. In addition, the school's curriculum does not fully support pupils in exploring their understanding of other aspects of life in modern Britain, such as democracy.

Governors know the school well.

They work closely with the multi-academy trust and school leaders to help drive the school forwards. Many of the teaching staff are new to the school. They feel well supported by leaders and by the training that has been provided for them.

Staff say that their workload is considered and that they are treated fairly and with respect.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training.

Staff are vigilant to the signs that could indicate a pupil is at risk of harm. They understand that safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and report any concerns promptly.

Leaders are sensitive to the challenges that many families face.

They work creatively with the multi-academy trust and a range of external services to secure the support that vulnerable pupils and their families sometimes need.

Leaders work with parents to help develop a shared understanding of how pupils can learn to keep themselves safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The curriculum for many subjects is at the early stages of implementation.

Teachers do not always check that pupils' prior knowledge is secure before they introduce new concepts. This means that pupils do not always learn as well as they should. Leaders should ensure that teachers' knowledge is sufficiently secure to support all pupils to learn the curriculum effectively.

• Sometimes, teachers do not use the information they have about pupils with SEND to adapt the curriculum effectively when needed. This means that pupils with SEND do not always achieve as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that teachers provide effective support for pupils with SEND in all subjects to enable them to learn well alongside their peers.

• The school's curriculum is not yet sequenced right from the start of early years. This means that children do not learn the important knowledge they need to be ready for learning in key stage 1. Leaders should ensure that staff in the early years are clear about all the important knowledge and vocabulary that children need to know and remember in readiness for their future learning.

• Leaders' work on improving pupils' attendance has not yet had an impact on improving attendance for pupils who do not attend school regularly. These pupils therefore miss out on vital learning. Leaders should continue to work with pupils and their families to improve attendance.

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