Greenmead School

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About Greenmead School

Name Greenmead School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Roxanne Cole
Address 147 Beaumont Road, Southfields, London, SW19 6RY
Phone Number 02087891466
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 58
Local Authority Wandsworth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school.

The leaders and governors have ensured that this splendid school continues to provide the excellent education identified at the last inspection. The consistently high quality of the teaching means that pupils make excellent progress whatever their starting points. In lessons, staff give the highest priority to each pupil's learning programme and targets.

As a consequence pupils rapidly improve their basic skills in communication, literacy and numeracy. Although almost all lessons involve fast changes of activities that capture pupils' imagination, very occasionally a pupil may be left alone for a short period with little to do an...d this slows up their learning. Pupils' behaviour in lessons and throughout the day is exemplary because the staff enthusiastically provide a warm, kind and interesting environment for learning.

The staff make the well-being of pupils their number one priority through rigorous safeguarding procedures and systems, and parents are very confident that their children are kept safe at all times. All staff and therapists work together extremely well as a team to provide all-round care and support that fully meets the personal and learning needs of each pupil. Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage benefit from the well-organised high quality education they receive when they join the school.

Teachers welcome the very supportive guidance they are given by the senior leaders, that helps them develop their skills and gives them the incentive to evaluate and improve their own practice. The headteacher inspires the staff and sets very high standards, so that all staff are committed to what the school is aiming to achieve.

Information about this school

Greenmead School provides education for pupils who have physical disabilities and associated learning difficulties.

It also provides for pupils who have profound and multiple learning difficulties. All of the pupils have a statement of special educational needs. The majority of pupils come from Wandsworth, and the remainder come from neighbouring boroughs.

The majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds. The proportion of pupils who are supported by the pupil premium (additional government funding) is a little above average. The school does not make use of any alternative provision, although a small number of pupils attend mainstream lessons in local primary schools accompanied by members of Greenmead's staff.

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