Greenslade Primary School

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About Greenslade Primary School

Name Greenslade Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr David Ashley
Address Erindale, Plumstead Common, London, SE18 2QQ
Phone Number 02083166847
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 229
Local Authority Greenwich
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school.

Leaders and managers have worked successfully to improve the quality of teaching and pupils' achievement since the previous inspection. Leadership and management are good. Governors are knowledgeable and committed to supporting the school.

They have played a key part in helping to make sure the quality of the school's work is good. Teaching is good. Improvements to the teaching of phonics (the sounds letters make) and mathematics have increased rates of pupils' progress and raised standards.

Children in the early years make good progress from their starting points. They are well prepared for the start of Year 1. Achievement is g...ood.

Pupils learn and progress well in Years 1 to 6. All groups of pupils, including disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs, make similar good progress through the school. Pupils enjoy school and behave well.

Attendance is above average. In the online survey and in the school's own recent survey of parents' views, parents agree that their children are happy at the school. The school makes sure that pupils have a good understanding of how to keep safe from harm.

Advice and guidance, workshops and visitors to the school help pupils to understand how to avoid risks. It is not yet an outstanding school because : The most able pupils do not always get hard enough work to help them make rapid progress and reach the highest standards of achievement.

Information about this school

The school is slightly smaller than the average-sized primary school.

The proportion of pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds is above average. The proportion of those who speak English as an additional language is also above average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is above the national average.

The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by the pupil premium (additional government funding to give extra support to those known to be eligible for free school meals and to children who are looked after) is average. In 2014, the school met the government's current floor standards, which set the minimum expectations for pupils' attainment and progress in reading, writing and mathematics. The school provides part-time early years provision for children in Nursery in one morning class and one afternoon class.

Provision for children in Reception is full time. The school provides a breakfast and an after-school club each day for pupils on roll at the school and pupils attending Timbercroft Primary School. There have been a number of recent changes in teaching staff.

Also at this postcode
Slade Creche Junior Adventures Group @ Greenslade SE18

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