Greenwood Primary School

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About Greenwood Primary School

Name Greenwood Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Karen Silvester
Address Wood End Way, Northolt, UB5 4QG
Phone Number 02084229630
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 658
Local Authority Ealing
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are happy and kept safe. They said that they feel safe in school because teachers are always there to help them. Pupils know that they are listened to by staff.

They appreciate the support available for their well-being, and the opportunities to talk through any worries that they may have.

Leaders want all pupils to achieve well. The curriculum is broad and ambitious.

Teachers help pupils to make links between the knowledge that they learn and develop their understanding across a range of subjects. Pupils typically work hard and succeed in their learning.

Pupils behave well.

This is because there are clear and consistent routines and ...expectations from staff. Bullying is not tolerated. Any incidents that do arise are dealt with swiftly.

Pupils know who to report any concerns to and have confidence that they would be managed effectively.

Pupils enjoy carrying out the responsibilities that they are given, for example older pupils help younger ones at lunchtime. Similarly, pupils enjoy supporting the care of the school dog.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed an ambitious curriculum that clearly sets out the knowledge that pupils need to understand from Years 1 to 6. The curriculum is sequenced logically, with time made for pupils to revisit and recap previous learning. This helps them to understand and learn more complex ideas over time.

For example, in history, younger pupils learn vocabulary associated with the passing of time such as 'now' and 'then'. This provides them with secure foundations for when they learn about chronology, for example when they study the Stone Age or the Second World War.

Leaders provide teachers with helpful training, support and guidance.

This helps them to deliver the curriculum effectively. Teachers check what pupils have learned and address any misunderstandings or gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Pupils' vocabulary development is a priority.

In the early years, children are well supported to develop their language. They learn to express their ideas, and staff help them to speak in more complex sentences. However, the vocabulary children need to secure in different areas of the curriculum is, at times, not made explicit.

Consequently, there are some ideas and words that children are not as familiar with as they need to be when they start Year 1.

Early reading is prioritised right from the start. A strong and well-embedded phonics programme helps all pupils to learn to read.

Reading books are carefully matched to the sounds that pupils know. This enables them to practise and develop their fluency and accuracy. Those at risk of falling behind are identified quickly.

Staff are deployed effectively to make sure that these pupils catch up. A strong culture of reading is evident across the school. Pupils enjoy reading and being read to.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are accurately identified. Effective support is provided for these pupils so that they can access the same curriculum as their peers wherever possible.

High expectations ensure that pupils typically understand the importance of good behaviour.

Pupils rise to these and behave well in lessons. They show mature attitudes to working on their own or with their peers.

Pupils' wider development is well considered.

For example, there is effective support in place to promote pupils' mental well-being. The curriculum is designed with the aim of supporting pupils' understanding of important topics, such as respect, equality and diversity. Similarly, taking on roles as members of the 'Greenwood Government' helps pupils to learn about democracy in action.

The governing body understands the school's strengths and priorities for improvement. It is committed to continuous improvement and fulfils its statutory duties well.

Staff, including those at the start of their careers, are overwhelmingly positive about leaders' care and consideration towards their workload and well-being.

They feel valued and trusted, and appreciate the opportunities provided to help them develop further in their careers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure that safeguarding is an ongoing priority.

Appropriate procedures are in place to ensure that staff and governors are fully aware of their statutory duties. Staff understand their responsibilities and local issues because they have been well trained.

Staff are proactive in identifying any concerns that they may have.

Leaders monitor any safeguarding issues rigorously. They work effectively with external agencies and follow up on any cases as required.

The curriculum has been designed to help pupils understand how to stay safe.

For example, pupils learn about how to stay safe online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The early years curriculum supports children to develop their understanding of the different areas of learning. However, some of the knowledge that children need to secure is sometimes not explicitly identified.

As a result, children do not fully secure their understanding of some concepts in readiness for their learning at the start of Year 1. Leaders should ensure that the early years curriculum builds sequentially in all areas. This will ensure that children are developing the necessary language and knowledge to prepare them consistently well for their future learning.

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