Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury
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About Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury
Guardian Angels Roman Catholic Primary School, Bury
Pupils feel happy and valued in the school's warm environment.
Pupils, including children in the early years, quickly learn the school routines. Pupils enjoy the company of Pip, the school dog, who helps them to settle into school. Relationships between staff and pupils are positive.
Pupils know that if they have any worries, staff will listen and help them.
Pupils generally respond well to the high expectations that are set by the school and go on to achieve well across the curriculum. In the main, pupils remember the key learning that is set out in the school's curriculum.
In classrooms, most pupils listen attentively and follow instructions consci...entiously. Pupils conduct themselves sensibly around school. They make a positive contribution to the life of the school.
For example, older pupils take on responsibilities such as reading buddies for younger pupils. Pupils spoke enthusiastically about their learning outdoors. This includes developing skills such as resilience and problem-solving.
Pupils benefit from a variety of wider opportunities to develop their interests. Sporting clubs are well attended by pupils throughout the school.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed an ambitious curriculum from the early years to the end of Year 6.
It has identified the important knowledge that pupils need to learn. Teachers are clear about what they need to teach and when they need to teach it. Staff have relevant subject knowledge, which is supported by various training opportunities.
Staff check on pupils' learning regularly. For the most part, they identify gaps and misconceptions in pupils' knowledge and address these quickly. However, at times checks on pupils' learning are not as effective as they could be.
This means that some pupils move on to new learning before they are ready.
The school accurately identifies the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Staff provide these pupils with the support that they need to learn the curriculum alongside their peers.
The school fosters a love of reading. It invests in high-quality and engaging books that pupils love to read. Pupils enjoy choosing books from the well-stocked library and class reading areas.
Children in the early years look forward to adults reading to them.
Children learn to read from the start of the Reception Year. Staff deliver the phonics programme with a high level of expertise.
Pupils who have gaps in their phonics knowledge receive help to catch up quickly with their peers. The books that pupils read match the sounds that they already know. This helps most pupils to become confident and fluent readers.
Occasionally, staff do not follow a consistent approach to teaching phonics. As a result, some pupils who are in the early stages of learning to read, do not learn to read with fluency and accuracy as quickly as they should. Children in the early years successfully learn the foundations of positive learning behaviour, where they concentrate on tasks for sustained periods of time.
Pupils behave well around the school.Staff help pupils to develop an age-appropriate understanding of healthy relationships. Staff have worked diligently to develop a consistent approach to support pupils' well-being.
This helps pupils to expertly understand and manage their own emotions.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of visits and visitors. These opportunities help pupils to widen their experiences beyond the local area and gives them aspirations for the future.
Pupils raise money for a variety of local and national charities. They learn how to keep themselves safe and how to look after their physical and mental health. Pupils are respectful, welcoming and accepting of others.
Governors have an accurate insight of the performance of the school. They receive detailed information about the school that helps them to carry out their statutory and strategic duties effectively. Governors provide appropriate support and challenge to the school.
Staff appreciate the steps that the school has taken to support their well-being and workload. Governors and staff are committed to making the school the best place it can be for pupils.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• At times, staff do not check pupils' understanding sufficiently well to identify and address gaps and misconceptions in pupils' knowledge. This means that some pupils move on to new learning before they are ready. The school should ensure that staff use appropriate assessment strategies so that they can help pupils to successfully build and recall their knowledge securely over time.
• At times, there are inconsistencies in how well the phonics programme is delivered. This hinders a small number of pupils from becoming fluent and accurate readers as quickly as they could. The school should support staff to implement the phonics programme consistently well.