Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary

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About Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary

Name Haberdashers’ Slade Green Primary
Website http://www.habssladegreenprimary.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Jan Mintram
Address Chrome Road, Slade Green, Erith, DA8 2EL
Phone Number 01322402188
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 284
Local Authority Bexley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders, at all levels, share high ambitions for pupils.

Leaders are diligent in addressing the disadvantages that some pupils may face. Pupils appreciate that they can learn about things they need to be 'great in the future'.

Pupils' personal development is at the centre of the school.

Leaders use this to underpin the opportunities to develop pupils' cultural capital and experiences. This is interwoven through the curriculum and beyond. Educational visits are well planned for every year group.

Year 5 pupils visited the Crofton Roman Villa and pupils in Year 2 learned about minibeasts at a farm. Leaders ensure that these visits encourage pupils to le...arn about other cultures and different places of worship. All pupils take part in these enrichment activities.

Pupils eagerly take on many leadership responsibilities. They represent their peers with pride as members of the school parliament, digital, reading and well-being leaders.

Pupils take the lead in designing projects that contribute to the school and the local community.

For example, pupils organise and manage the 'uniform united' scheme that recycles and provides free school clothing within the school. Pupils speak with great passion about the range of after-school clubs available to them, including dance, sports and choir.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Those responsible for governance at the trust and at local levels offer considered support and robust challenge to leaders and staff.

As a result, leaders have transformed the curriculum. They have reviewed and developed the curriculum to define and sequence the content coherently. Staff appreciate how this has reduced their workload, whilst strengthening their subject knowledge.

Subject leaders are well supported in building their confidence in leading their subjects. The school is embedding a clear progression of knowledge and skills pupils need to learn in all foundation subjects. This development includes the redefining of the areas of learning in the early years.

Pupils talk about their learning with confidence and enthusiasm. For example, pupils in Year 4 and 5 describe how they use various types of scientific enquiry to answer questions about the world around them. Children in Reception use resources to explore number bonds to five.

Pupils retain key knowledge they have learned over time. This supports pupils in achieving strong outcomes by the end of Key Stage 2.

Robust systems are in place to ensure that leaders swiftly identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

The school uses assessments to establish children's starting point in the early years. Leaders co-produce detailed support plans with external professionals. However, for those with SEND and those pupils who are struggling to keep up with the curriculum, sometimes they do not receive the adaptations needed to support and enable them to access learning and understand new ideas successfully.

Staff help children to develop speech, language and communication skills. Children in the Nursery learn to sing rhymes and songs with repeating patterns and phrases. Pupils practise saying and reading the sounds they know.

This underpins their secure use of spellings when writing independently. Pupils are exposed to a diverse selection of texts. Older pupils enjoy reading chapter books, particularly in the school library.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are strong. They listen well and respond positively to their teachers. Information is presented clearly.

Teachers use 'brain breaks' activities effectively. This ensures that pupils are ready to move on to new learning. They settle promptly to work.

Pupils are taught to follow routines and instructions. Children in the early years learn to take risks. They are encouraged to develop their imagination when using the water tray and expressive arts station.

Attendance is a high priority. Leaders use appropriate strategies to ensure that pupils attend school and address those who are persistently absent.

The school's personal, social, health and economic programme is a key strength of the school.

It encourages pupils' understanding of school values such as aspiration and personal responsibility. Pupils are ambitious about future careers, with many desiring to go to university.

Pupils pursue their interests and talents through a wide range of well-planned outings, clubs and events.

They are proud to represent their school in trust and national competitions. Staff create opportunities that promote a celebration of diversity. The school's strong partnership with its Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community has been highly recognised nationally.

Pupils have a strong understanding of the importance of mutual respect for others. They know to respect those with other beliefs and views. The school prepares pupils successfully for the next stage of their education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Those with SEND and those pupils who are struggling to keep up with the curriculum sometimes do not receive the adaptations needed to support and enable them to access learning and understand new ideas successfully. Leaders should ensure that teachers are trained to consistently adapt teaching and use appropriate resources and support to reduce barriers to learning that enables all pupils to access the curriculum.

Also at this postcode
Kiddies Palace Nursery Limited Stagecoach Erith

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