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Hadfield Infant School is at the heart of the community.
The school works hard to make sure that all pupils aim to 'Be the best they can be'. Pupils talk about the importance of not giving up. They care about each other.
They talk about being kind to everyone. Pupils say that they feel safe in school.
Pupils work hard in lessons.
The school encourages pupils to do their best. Pupils behave well in lessons and around the school. They are keen to offer opinions and participate in discussions.
Pupils have lots of experiences beyond the school curriculum. For example, there are visits from the ambulance service and local doctors. Pupils learn ab...out gardening, and they can take part in local events in the community.
Parents and carers have very positive views of the school. One comment, typical of many, was: 'My child is thriving here. I could not wish for a better school.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
In almost all subjects, the school has created a sequenced curriculum. The curriculum sets out what pupils are going to learn. The curriculum starts in the early years, where children get off to a good start in school.
Pupils learn new vocabulary, and they use this in their work. However, some of the work to check the impact of the curriculum is in its early stages.
In lessons, pupils receive guidance on how to improve.
They respond well to this. In mathematics, teachers have a clear understanding of the progress pupils are making. If pupils need support, they have targeted teaching to provide help.
The subject knowledge of adults is good. Lessons run well because there is no disruption. Pupils enjoy their learning.
The school has placed a focus on the teaching of reading. There is a phonics programme in place, and pupils are learning to read well. There is a consistency in the teaching of phonics.
The books that pupils read match the sounds that they are learning. Pupils have access to a wide range of stories. They enjoy reading in class and sharing books with their friends.
Pupils have 'secret readers' visiting the school. These visitors share books with the pupils and promote a love of reading. In the 'reading cottage', pupils can listen to stories at playtime.
They say that they enjoy this. Pupils who promote reading join 'team read'. They are proud of the badges they have received for this.
Pupils who struggle with reading get help to catch up.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) get support as soon as they need it. Leaders work with families to ensure that pupils with SEND access the curriculum.
Adaptations are in place to support pupils. Staff work with other agencies to get help for pupils where this is needed.Pupils have positive attitudes to learning.
They enjoy the points that they can earn, and they take pride in their achievements. Pupils and parents enjoy the achievements that are shared online. A small number of pupils do not attend well, and this affects their learning.
Leaders make sure that pupils learn about different faiths and cultures. Pupils can visit a mosque, and they learn about a range of cultures and religions. Pupils are prepared well for life in modern Britain.
They learn about being responsible citizens. They contribute to local litter picking, and they donate food to local charities. There is a wide range of clubs for pupils to attend.
These include football and basketball. Pupils learn about looking after their own mental health.Children in the early years enjoy a well-planned and resourced curriculum.
For example, they benefit from activities that help them to develop physical strength. They enjoy playing on the new outdoor equipment. Children enjoy sharing books and talking about their writing.
They are attentive, and they can focus on their work. They develop confidence, and staff support them well with this.
Governors hold leaders to account.
They check on the performance of the school. Staff feel well supported by leaders with regard to their workload.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The sequencing of the curriculum in some subjects does not help pupils to build up their knowledge over time. Some pupils are not able to add to their existing knowledge as easily as they should. The school should ensure that all curriculum subjects are appropriately sequenced so that connections can be made between current and prior learning.
• A small number of pupils do not always attend school as often as they should. These pupils are missing vital learning. Leaders need to ensure that these pupils attend school regularly so they can maximise their potential.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.