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The school values are the strong foundation that give pupils the opportunity to thrive, grow and blossom.
Pupils develop strong and trusting relationships with the adults around them. They also make friends and look after each other.
The school has high expectations for all pupils.
Every pupil has their own personal ambitious and achievable targets. This allows them to succeed both personally and academically. The school makes learning fun.
School is filled with laughter and joy. Pupils enjoy a range of activities that help them to learn. For example, visits from paramedics help pupils to understand more about health.
Each year, pupils stren...gthen their understanding across a range of subjects. For instance, pupils learn about life cycles in science as they watch eggs hatch and nurture the baby chicks.
Pupils behave extremely well.
This is because the adults around them know exactly what support each pupil will need to reduce any anxiety that they may have. This very positive and consistent approach allows pupils, over time, to manage their own emotions and behaviour. The school has created an ethos and environment where pupils feel happy, safe and well cared for.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has designed a curriculum that meets the special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) of the pupils in school. Every pupil has an education, health and care (EHC) plan and this forms the core of each pupil's curriculum. A range of curriculum pathways ensure that pupils learn at the right level.
For example, younger children and pupils who may be nonverbal learn to communicate through visual aids, sign and symbols. In other pathways, pupils access a more formal subject curriculum.
Teachers know their pupils very well.
They choose activities and resources that will spark pupils' interests and keep them engaged. Staff reinforce key concepts and vocabulary. They use repetition to help pupils remember.
Pupils are eager to learn.
Staff use assessment well to check pupils' understanding. They also have a clear view of each pupil's individual progress through the curriculum.
This is shared with parents and carers. However, the school does not have sufficient oversight of the effectiveness of different subjects. This makes it difficult for the school to measure the impact of subject curriculums and to spot when some pupils are not learning as well as they could.
The school has recently introduced a new phonics programme. All staff have had the training that they need to deliver the programme in a consistent manner. New reading books help pupils to practise the sounds that they learn.
This has got off to a strong start. The use of songs and poems also helps pupils to learn their letters and sounds successfully. Pupils read together as a class and in smaller groups.
However, it is too soon to see the impact of this new programme.The school's approach to behaviour is worthy of sharing with others. Before a pupil starts at the school, staff seek to understand their individual needs.
From this information, staff develop a personalised and bespoke approach to supporting each pupil. The school has developed a supportive and positive culture around behaviour. This has enabled pupils with complex behaviour needs to feel safe, valued and successful in school.
Attendance is a high priority. The school works closely with parents to unpick reasons for pupils' absence. Staff are relentless in their approach to removing these barriers.
This work is highly effective, as pupils' rates of attendance have improved considerably over the last academic year.
The curriculum supports the development of pupils' personal needs. Younger children learn about personal care and hygiene, for example brushing their teeth.
The school has ensured that pupils understand about positive and trusting relationships. Staff help pupils to know about appropriate behaviours. For example, pupils learn when it is acceptable to hug someone, such as a close friend or family member.
This helps pupils to keep themselves safe.
Pupils experience the traditions and customs of the world. This supports them to understand about different religions and celebrations.
As part of learning about Diwali, for example, pupils explored bangles, sari fabric, and smelled the spices used in traditional food. This sensory experience helped pupils to deepen their knowledge.
The trust has ensured that strong values have been securely embedded in this school.
It has delegated responsibilities to a local governing board who know their roles and responsibilities well. Governors meet regularly and know the main areas of strength and aspects of the school that need improving.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The school does not have sufficient oversight of the impact of subject curriculums. This makes it more difficult for the school to identify when pupils are not learning as well as they could. The school should ensure that it evaluates the effectiveness of subject curriculums so that governors and trustees can hold the school to account more effectively.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.