Halstead St Andrew’s School

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About Halstead St Andrew’s School

Name Halstead St Andrew’s School
Website https://www.hsaschool.co.uk/
Headteacher Mr Andrew Ward
Address Church Hill House, Wilson Way, Woking, GU21 4QW
Phone Number 01483760943
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 2-13
Religious Character Christian
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 374
Local Authority Surrey
Boarding Type Day
Day Fees £1,425 to £6,135 (excl VAT)

Halstead St Andrew’’s School is a partnership between Halstead Preparatory School for Girls and St. Andrew’’s School, Woking. Opened in September 2023, we are a co-ed school, with the aim to educate around 500 pupils aged 2-16 across our two sites in Woking. Our vision is to build on the success of both schools, to develop the best we both offer and to create a dynamic and exciting new school that prepares pupils for an ever-changing world.
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