Ham Dingle Primary Academy

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About Ham Dingle Primary Academy

Name Ham Dingle Primary Academy
Website http://www.hamdingleprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Andrew Tilley
Address Ham Dingle Primary School, Old Ham Lane, Stourbridge, DY9 0UN
Phone Number 01384900753
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 358
Local Authority Dudley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This school has been through a period of significant change and has worked hard to improve the quality of education it provides.

Leaders have successfully made sure that the aim of wanting pupils to 'develop their own strengths and talents' is being fulfilled. Pupils now speak with pride about their learning and a desire to do well. The outcomes they achieve are improving as a result.

Many pupils behave well and show positive attitudes to their learning. They demonstrate politeness and a readiness to learn. Pupils and staff build positive relationships showing kindness and understanding.

Some pupils describe being respectful as the 'most important thing to be...'. They welcome visitors to their school with smiles on their faces and are proud to show them their school.

The school successfully supports pupils' wider development.

They view doing this as key to them becoming well-rounded and motivated learners. Pupils learn the importance of being active citizens by raising money for local charities that they have chosen. Many pupils hold leadership roles and enjoy being provided with the chance to vote on things that matter to them.

This is helping them to understand world and local issues.

This is a happy school where most feel cared for and included.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The partnership between the school and the multi-academy trust has led to many improvements.

There exists a strong culture of openness and a willingness to try new ways of doing things as they seek to provide the best education possible for their pupils. Improvements are being realised because of a collective responsibility for making this school the best it can be.

In developing the curriculum, the school has sought the support and advice from staff who work in the trust.

Well-designed learning sequences are now in place for all subjects. However, occasionally pupils become confused and make mistakes when they are asked to share their prior learning. This is because the focus for this recall is sometimes on less important facts rather than the key concepts that they will re-encounter.

All staff are delivering improvements to the quality of teaching and learning effectively and are dedicated in doing so. At the same time, leaders ensure that staff's workload is manageable and that time is given to secure improvements. Many lead the subjects they are responsible for well.

Some, though, have not been in their roles long enough to be able to identify if their subjects are being delivered as intended.

Pupils start learning to read in the first few days they arrive at school. Pupils enjoy selecting books from classroom reading areas and the library.

These contain books from a range of text-types and authors. Staff are well trained to teach reading, whether that be when delivering their phonics programme or developing pupils' comprehension skills. A love and enjoyment of books is modelled by teachers who read to pupils daily or by authors who visit the school to share their work.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have effective support in place to help them to access the same learning as their peers. The school works well with outside agencies to identify how best to support these pupils. Pupils with SEND feel well looked after and included in all aspects of school life.

Many effective interventions before and during lessons help them to keep up with their learning.

Children in the early years begin reading by learning new sounds and listening to stories in their first few days of Reception. Many use these sounds when taking part in other activities and play.

Children are successfully developing their language to support them to be able communicate their feelings and understanding. Their learning environment is vibrant and designed so that every child can take part in all planned activities.

The school's focus on making sure that pupils are in school regularly is a key strength.

The parents and carers understand that their children can only learn if they are in school and on time and regularly. After a period of disruption to their education, this focus on improved attendance has made a real difference to the progress some pupils have made.

The school supports pupils' personal development exceptionally well.

The school's approach to character development is exemplary. For example, pupils learn the importance of their civic responsibilities by being responsible for their local environment. Visits to places such as the national memorial support pupils' understanding of historical events.

These visits also prompt conversations about empathy in an attempt to deepen pupils' thinking. Pupils feel that the wider opportunities they are given to develop their talents are plenty.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some subject leaders are new in role and not yet able to identify what effective teaching of their subject looks like. As a result, opportunities are missed to make changes to how lessons are delivered to best support improvements in learning. The school should continue to support less experienced subject leaders to identify effective teaching and learning in their subject areas.

Assessment of what pupils know and remember is often focused on disconnected facts rather than key concepts. As a result, pupils become overwhelmed and struggle to recall relevant prior learning. The school should seek to ensure that pupils have more opportunities to build on relevant prior knowledge that supports their current learning.

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