Hambleton Primary Academy

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About Hambleton Primary Academy

Name Hambleton Primary Academy
Website http://www.hambletonprimaryacademy.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Holly Wood
Address Church Lane, Hambleton, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 9BZ
Phone Number 01253700331
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 242
Local Authority Lancashire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at Hambleton Primary Academy. It is a safe, happy and exciting place to learn and play.

The school has established a highly effective curriculum that enables pupils to develop deep knowledge and understanding in each subject.

Pupils achieve remarkably well. They are exceptionally well prepared for their next steps in education.

The school provides pupils with plentiful opportunities to develop their character and their understanding of the wider world.

Staff encourage even the youngest children to be brave and adventurous. This significantly contributes to pupils becoming resilient learners and prepares them remarkably well for later li...fe.

Pupils know that they are expected to be respectful, responsible and ready to learn.

They readily meet these expectations and behave exceptionally well. If pupils struggle, they are taught the strategies they need to manage their own behaviour, including making use of the 'zen den'. The school building buzzes with activity but is equally calm and purposeful.

The school values pupils' opinions. For example, staff and members of the local governing body consult pupils about many aspects of school life. Pupils see themselves as leaders in their school.

They know that their voices and actions make a positive difference to their school community.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has meticulously designed a broad, ambitious and highly relevant curriculum. From the early years to Year 6, staff have a deep understanding of what pupils should learn and when this content should be taught.

They take every opportunity to ignite pupils' curiosity, for example, by carefully selecting trips and visits to enrich topics and to develop pupils' cultural awareness.

Staff are experts in delivering the curriculum. They make sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) benefit from the same rich curriculum as their peers.

The school identifies pupils' additional needs, including any SEND, as early as possible. Staff provide well-tailored support to ensure that pupils with SEND achieve highly.

Staff design activities with great care so that pupils' learning builds firmly on what they already know.

Staff carry out highly effective checks on pupils' learning. This means that gaps in pupils' knowledge and misconceptions are accurately pinpointed and addressed as they arise. The way that staff enable pupils to connect their knowledge in different subjects is exemplary.

For example, pupils use their historical knowledge of the World Wars to help them to design and make biplanes in design and technology. They then apply what they know about electricity to add moveable parts to their planes. This approach ensures that pupils experience success in their learning and are highly motivated to want to find out more.

Starting in the early years, staff readily promote a love of reading. Pupils have access to books that help them to explore the rich diversity of the world. They spoke with great excitement about the choice of books in the newly revamped school library.

Pupils particularly enjoy the class novels that their teachers read to them.

The school ensures that children in the early years develop an impressive range of vocabulary. Children use this language confidently in their interactions.

Reception-aged children master phonics with remarkable ease. They become confident readers. If pupils struggle with reading, highly skilled staff provide the support that they need to become fluent.

Pupils develop into extremely competent readers over time. This helps them to access the full curriculum and contributes to their very strong achievement across all subjects.

Pupils demonstrate extremely positive attitudes to learning.

Most pupils are rarely absent from school. The school's approach to supporting pupils' personal development is exceptional. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe.

They recognise the risks that can be present online as well as the dangers of substance misuse. Pupils understand the changes that will happen to them as they grow up. They know what makes a healthy relationship.

Pupils display a particularly mature understanding of fundamental British values. They spoke about national and school-based elections with genuine fervour. Pupils are amply prepared for their future lives.

The school highly values its staff. It prioritises their ongoing training. Staff appreciate working closely with colleagues from other schools in the trust to hone their practice.

This collaboration has a very positive impact on staff's workload and well-being.

The school benefits from highly effective leadership. Members of the local governing body carry out their roles earnestly.

They provide trustees with the information that they need to support and challenge the school effectively. Leaders at all levels ensure that pupils make a strong and successful start to their education.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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