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Pupils are happy and safe at this kind, inclusive school. They care for each other and like the way 'everyone gets the same chances'.
Pupils enjoy making friends and learning new things. They said that their teachers are friendly and helpful, and how this supports them to enjoy school and learn successfully.
Leaders expect pupils to achieve well.
They have put in place a curriculum that helps pupils to understand and remember key concepts and knowledge. Leaders and staff encourage, motivate and guide all pupils to be successful. This prepares pupils well for the next stage of their education.
Pupils enjoy taking on additional responsibilities. They m...ake valuable contributions to the community, for instance through collecting items for the local food bank or singing for a local residential home for older people. They learn about a range of global issues, such as those related to climate change, and how these link to their own rights and responsibilities.
Pupils' behaviour is positive. Bullying incidents are rare. Pupils are confident to tell an adult if they ever have worries.
Adults act promptly when concerns arise, including resolving any bullying quickly. Pupils enjoy belonging to a diverse community. They value and celebrate each other's differences.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have put in place a well-planned, sequenced, and ambitious curriculum. Pupils study a broad range of subjects. In many subjects, leaders have thought about the most important knowledge they want pupils to learn and be able to apply.
For example, in mathematics the curriculum helps pupils to build up fluent recall of times tables. Pupils use this knowledge to help them solve word problems using multiplication and division.
Teachers revisit and review learning regularly, which helps pupils to remember key ideas.
For example, in science, pupils investigate adding lamps to an electrical circuit. They used their previous knowledge that a cell is singular, and a battery is a collection of cells to help them do this successfully. Children in the early years learn lots about the world around them.
They are taught vocabulary and knowledge that prepare them for future learning in different subjects.
Teachers typically check that pupils understand and remember what they have learned. However, this is done less well in a small number of subjects.
As a result, at times, pupils do not deepen their learning fully in these subjects.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported to access the same curriculum as their peers wherever possible. Staff understand these pupils' individual needs.
This helps to ensure that appropriate support and adaptations are provided for pupils. These adaptations focus on helping pupils with SEND to learn and remember more, as well as begin to work more independently. All pupils are fully involved in all aspects of school life.
Leaders prioritise reading. Staff have received appropriate training in the phonics programme used. This means that staff have sufficient expertise to teach phonics with precision.
Weaker readers are swiftly identified and receive additional help to catch up. As a result, these pupils are supported to read with increasing fluency and accuracy.
Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
For example, they learn about how to vote and why this is important. This forms the basis for learning about democracy and the rule of law later in the school. Leaders arrange visits to parliament to further enrich pupils' understanding about government and how it works.
Older pupils meet with a member of the office team and other local businesses to explore the world of work.
Pupils learn about the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. For example, they are keen to use the games invented in lessons to increase their activity lessons at playtimes.
Children in the early years learn about people who help them. This is developed across all year groups where pupils learn about trusted adults. Leaders provide a range of activities with the aim of extending pupils' interests in sports, arts, and languages.
Pupils learn about other religions and cultures, and events such as Diwali and Hannukah are celebrated by the school community.
Pupils behave well and learning is rarely disrupted. This is because there are clear expectations about how pupils should behave, both in lessons and around the school.
The governing body has a clear understanding of both the school's priorities and their responsibilities in holding leaders to account. It performs its statutory duties effectively.
Leaders engage positively with staff over their workload and well-being.
Staff spoke about how they can approach leaders if they have any difficulties.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders make sure that all staff understand their responsibilities to keep pupils safe.
They receive regular training covering the statutory guidance. This means that staff have the knowledge they need to recognise the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm. Staff refer any concerns that they have promptly.
Where appropriate, leaders liaise with external agencies to secure extra help and protection for pupils.
Pupils learn how to stay safe. For example, they are taught about the potential risks when using the internet.
Pupils know to share any concerns that they have with an adult.
Governors oversee safer recruitment practices. All required pre-employment checks are carried out appropriately.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a small number of subjects, teachers do not check that pupils have securely learned and understood the knowledge that they have been taught. This can mean that, at times, pupils do not build up their knowledge as progressively and deeply as they could. Leaders should continue to support subject leaders and teachers in checking and embedding pupils' understanding of the planned curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.