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Pupils enjoy attending this happy and welcoming school. They know the school's values, for example honesty and effort. The school celebrates and discusses these values in assemblies.
Pupils can therefore describe the importance of them and know how to demonstrate them in daily life.
Pupils know that the staff have high expectations of them. They enjoy their learning because teachers make it interesting.
Pupils confidently discuss and share what they have been learning. In lessons, they contribute to discussions and thrive on answering questions. Overall, pupils achieve well.
Pupils have strong relationships with staff. They have trusted adults throug...hout the school and know that if they have a problem, staff will help to sort it out. Therefore, any behaviour issues are dealt with quickly and effectively.
There are a range of clubs and sports teams available for pupils to develop their interests. Pupils can take on a role in the school council or as an Eco-warrior, all of which helps to develop their confidence and leadership skills. Pupils have contributed towards the local area through a litter picking session and the choir singing carols to local elderly residents.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has an ambitious and well-planned curriculum, which ensures that pupils are building on their knowledge from the early years. Staff have detailed subject knowledge, which enables them to model and present information clearly. Staff question pupils carefully to ensure that they understand what they are being taught.
Staff regularly take the time to ensure that pupils have retained knowledge and are ready to build on it even further. This leads to strong outcomes in national tests and assessments at the end of Year 6.
Most pupils with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well at the school.
However, some support for a few pupils with SEND is not well matched to their specific needs. Consequently, these pupils do not make as much progress as they could. Recently, staff have started training in order to provide the requisite support for certain SEND needs, as the school recognised that this was needed.
The school works closely with a number of external agencies to ensure that it has the right provision in place for pupils with more challenging needs.
The school prioritises reading. Phonics is taught consistently well from the early years.
Staff check pupils' phonics knowledge regularly to ensure that they are working at the right level. If pupils need additional support, then they get this. Pupils read books that match the sounds they are learning so that they can practise using their phonics knowledge.
Parents receive regular updates about their child's learning and progress so they can support at home. Pupils continue to practise their reading skills as they move through the school. They talk confidently about the books, topics and authors they enjoy reading.
Pupils know that they have 25 books in each year group that teachers suggest they should read. Most pupils are confident and fluent readers by the end of Year 6.Staff understand and follow the behaviour policy well.
Staff use the policy to motivate and encourage pupils, for example through the use of positive praise. The school is quick to respond to any trends or patterns identified in behaviour and puts in appropriate interventions. These have proven successful in reducing behaviour incidents.
Attendance is also given high priority. Any pupil who struggles to come to school has a carefully thought-through plan put in place to ensure that their attendance improves.
The school has a wide-ranging personal development offer alongside a clear personal, health and social education curriculum.
Pupils are aware of individual differences, and they explore these through assemblies and in lessons. As a result of this learning, pupils asked for a sign language club so that they could support pupils who are hard of hearing. Pupils have clear knowledge of how to stay physically and mentally well.
They understand the benefits of exercise and reading as part of this.
Staff enjoy working at the school. Their workload and well-being are carefully considered by leaders, and they are well supported.
The school collaborates with other local schools and supports them when necessary. The school is reflective and constantly grows from feedback given. Governors have a broad skill set and know their roles and responsibilities well.
They are thorough in ensuring they fulfil these roles. Parents are positive about the experience that their children receive at the school and know staff will address any concerns they raise.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The support provided for a small number of pupils with SEND is not as well matched to their specific needs as it could be. This means that these pupils do not make as much progress in their learning as they could. The school should ensure that the support provided to pupils with SEND is based on an accurate understanding of their needs and that staff who work with these pupils have a secure understanding of how to deliver this provision.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.