Hamilton School

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About Hamilton School

Name Hamilton School
Website http://www.hamilton.bham.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Katie Williams
Address Hamilton Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B21 8AH
Phone Number 01214641676
Phase Special
Type Foundation special school
Age Range 4-14
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 128
Local Authority Birmingham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school Hamilton School is an extraordinarily happy and calm place. From very low starting points and sometimes difficult previous experiences, pupils make exceptional strides in their learning and in their personal development. Leadership and management at all levels are outstanding.

The headteacher, his senior and middle leaders, including governors, responded very quickly to the previous inspection findings. They have worked tirelessly to bring about rapid improvements in the progress which pupils make so that it is now outstanding. Highly effective teamwork across the school is very apparent.

Every member of staff, including specialis...t practitioners, teaching assistants and other support staff, share a total commitment to providing pupils with the best education possible. Staff go to a great deal of time and effort to provide pupils with visual materials that help them to understand their work or to make choices, for example, at lunchtimes. Teaching is outstanding because teachers use assessment information exceptionally well.

They ensure that work in all subjects is extremely well adapted so that individual pupils can make the best possible progress they are capable of. In a secure and caring environment, pupils develop excellent attitudes to their learning. They feel happy, safe and well cared for, and their anxieties are reduced so they can learn well.

Pupils make great strides in their personal and social development. They enjoy coming to school and attendance levels are high. Behaviour is consistently and effectively well managed so that pupils quickly learn how to manage their own behaviour.

Learning and leisure times are pleasurable for all. Parents are full of praise for the school and the support it provides to them and their families. Children who start school in early years get off to an excellent start.

There is an outstanding balance of activities which children can explore for themselves and tasks which adults lead to help children make sense of their world and begin to communicate their needs and wishes. Members of the governing body share the senior leaders' ambition and vision for the school. They make an outstanding contribution towards Hamilton's development as an outstanding school for pupils with autism.

They have a very clear view of the day-to-day purpose and practice in the school to provide highly effective challenge.

Information about this school

Hamilton School provides for pupils with autism spectrum conditions, most of whom have additional barriers to their learning. All pupils have a statement of special educational needs or an education, care and health plan.

The number of pupils on roll has increased significantly since the previous inspection and is due to increase further to 110 pupils in 2016. Building work is currently being carried out to provide additional accommodation. The very large majority of pupils are from minority ethnic backgrounds with pupils of African, Bangladeshi and Pakistani origin comprising the largest groups.

A high proportion, over half of pupils, have English as an additional language. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils supported by the pupil premium is about twice the national average. This is additional government funding for looked after children and those known to be eligible for free school meals.

The school has developed several outdoor areas in the last two years, including an accessible outdoor area for children in the early years, a climbing wall and sunken trampoline which are timetabled for use with named pupils, raised beds in a garden area and a park with large play equipment. The school provides an after-school club on two days a week and at weekends through an independent provider, and holiday activities with other providers. Lunchtime clubs are provided by school staff.

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