Hampstead Parochial Church of England Primary School

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About Hampstead Parochial Church of England Primary School

Name Hampstead Parochial Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Laura Hall
Address Hampstead Parochial School , Holly Bush Vale, Hampstead, London, NW3 6TX
Phone Number 02074354135
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary aided school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 203
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy attending this friendly school.

Leaders encourage pupils to follow the school's values, such as respect and compassion. Adults make sure that pupils make their school a positive place in which to learn.Staff are highly ambitious for what all pupils can learn, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They know their subjects well and enable pupils to be excited about their learning. Pupils flourish here. They are eager to learn, work hard and achieve very highly in reading, writing and mathematics.

Pupils' behaviour is exemplary in all areas of the school. They are polite and play and learn well together, treatin...g each other with respect and consideration. Pupils feel safe.

Staff take pupils' safety, including their mental and physical health, seriously. Pupils are confident that staff will help them if they have any worries or concerns.Pupils relish all that the school has to offer.

They enjoy a wealth of carefully planned experiences, such as visits to the theatre and museums. There is an abundance of opportunities for pupils to develop talents and skills in the arts, music and sports. Participation in extra-curricular activities is high.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed a rich and ambitious curriculum that has pupils' well-being and different needs at its heart. Leaders at all levels have clarity about what is taught from early years onwards. Learning is carefully broken down into well-organised steps.

This helps pupils to build their knowledge and skills progressively. In early years, leaders' curricular thinking is exceptional. Caring and knowledgeable staff help children to achieve very well across all areas of learning.

For instance, adults help children's mathematical and art skills to develop highly. A language-rich environment helps children to become articulate and confident.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge and expertise.

They help pupils to deepen their knowledge across all subjects well. Adults support pupils to develop strong mathematical problem-solving skills. For example, in early years, children were counting ladybirds and learning about their habitats in some detail.

Staff make sure that the quality of pupils' artwork is high. They help pupils to understand about a wide range of artists and their work. Teachers check and address any gaps in pupils' understanding effectively.

Sometimes, staff's expertise to provide support for pupils who need extra help with their learning varies. This means that some pupils do not catch up as quickly as they could, particularly in some foundation subjects.

Staff teach phonics across the school skilfully.

In early years, children read with confidence quickly. If pupils fall behind in their reading, teachers take swift action to make sure they catch up. This helps pupils to read with fluency and expression.

Teachers read poems and novels to pupils every day. They enable pupils to develop a love of reading. This includes using stories from across the world, such as traditional tales, and classic works such as Shakespeare.

Pupils with SEND thrive in this school. Leaders have ensured that staff have the time and expertise to identify and address pupils' needs effectively. Teachers adapt learning to meet pupils' needs.

As a result, most of pupils with SEND progress well across the curriculum.

Expectations for behaviour are high for every pupil. Staff work closely with parents and carers.

From the start of early years, staff help children to follow clear routines and expectations. There is no disruption to learning. Pupils of all ages behave extremely well in lessons, which supports the delivery of the curriculum successfully.

Leaders have extremely high ambitions for pupils' personal development. The school's guiding values, for example forgiveness and responsibility, are woven throughout all aspects of school life. Staff help pupils to develop their conduct very well.

Leaders provide an extensive extra-curricular offer that includes outings, competitions and musical performances. Pupils were very excited about the forthcoming whole-school visit to the Globe Theatre.

Governors have an ambitious vision for the school.

They provide support and challenge for school leaders effectively. Staff are extremely proud to work at the school. Leaders make sure that staff well-being is high and workload is well managed, including for teachers early in their careers.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All staff know and understand the procedures for keeping children safe. Leaders update staff training regularly.

They act promptly on any concerns reported to them to keep pupils safe. Leaders make sure that everyone fulfils their duties effectively. They work closely with external agencies to provide timely help.

Members of the governing body have a strong oversight of safeguarding.

Staff help pupils to understand about the importance of healthy living and online safety. For example, in computing, pupils are taught about the importance of not sharing information with strangers.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Sometimes, staff who provide pupils with additional support have varying levels of expertise. This leads to inconsistencies in how well staff help pupils, including pupils with SEND, to catch up quickly across the curriculum, particularly in some foundation subjects. Leaders need to ensure all staff have subject-specific expertise to help pupils to know and remember more of the taught curriculum in foundation subjects.

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