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About Hampsthwaite Church of England Primary School
Hampsthwaite Primary is a school where the pupils are placed at the heart of everything.
Strong, nurturing and positive relationships ensure that pupils feel happy and safe. Staff care deeply for the pupils and know all the children and families well. Parents say, 'This isn't just a school; it's a family.'
The school's values of belief, respect, friendship, support and creativity are lived and breathed by pupils and adults alike.
The school has high expectations for all pupils to develop as confident, successful learners. Pupils are ready for the next stage of their education.
Pupils achieve well across the curriculum.
From the start of Nur...sery, staff set high expectations for children's behaviour. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary in every lesson.
Pupils enjoy coming to school. As a result, attendance is higher than average, which means pupils benefit from rich learning opportunities.
Pupils treat one another with respect and compassion.
Older pupils are excellent role models, displaying respect and kindness towards each other. They form strong relationships with the younger children, helping them to live up to high standards of kindness and respect.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children in the early years benefit from exciting and engaging activities, both indoors and outdoors.
They thrive in the safe and nurturing environment. Adults skilfully create 'awe and wonder' for the children. Children are enthusiastic about each and every learning opportunity.
Adults ask skilful questions and offer effective guidance to support children in all areas of the curriculum. Children concentrate on every aspect of learning and are keen to learn. They follow routines and expectations exceptionally well.
Children make rapid progress in early years and achieve at least as well as they should for their age.
Beyond the classroom, there are many extra activities that support pupils' personal development. Pupils relish the opportunities they receive to work with the local community.
For example, pupils work with a local community dance group each year to create a school performance. The pupils enjoy learning Makaton so that they can engage with those in the community with disabilities. Pupils are active in the local community through opportunities to sing with other local schools and hold 'coffee and connect' mornings for parents.
The well-being ambassadors in school are proactive in recommending different activities to pupils. Pupils can talk about the fact you need to 'take notice of the world and life can be up and down'. However, pupils are not as secure in their knowledge and understanding of how to keep physically and mentally healthy.
Reading is given a high priority. Pupils enjoy the 'raffle' prize they receive for reading widely and often. Pupils enjoy visiting the library and taking different books home to read for pleasure.
The school invites parents regularly into school for 'big read' sessions to promote a love of reading. The school's chosen phonics scheme is understood by all staff.Pupils who are at risk of falling behind are quickly identified to ensure they 'keep up'.
They are given additional lessons and activities to support them. Older pupils enjoy further opportunities to read a range of books. In all classes, they have a 'reading river' pathway.
This ensures pupils read books at length with a range of themes. This helps develop their fluency and understanding of different texts, which results in reading outcomes above those nationally.
The curriculum is broad and ambitious for all pupils.
Teachers work closely with the families of pupils with SEND to put effective support in place. The school has provided effective training to support staff's expertise in delivering the curriculum in English and mathematics. Across the curriculum, staff generally present information clearly.
However, sometimes, learning activities are overcomplicated and teachers don't implement the curriculum as effectively as they could. At times, learning activities are overcomplicated and not well matched to what pupils need to know. This hinders pupils from understanding the key knowledge of the intended curriculum.
Leaders, the governing body and the trust work harmoniously to ensure a clear and ambitious vision for the school. The culture and ethos is a strength of the school. Parents express highly positive views about the school.
They praise the care and attention to their children from leaders and staff. Leaders say they will 'not stand still' and will always work hard to ensure the pupils and children receive the best education.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In some curriculum areas, the activities pupils complete are not closely matched to the intended learning. This means that in some subjects, pupils do not develop a secure understanding of the important knowledge as well as they could. The school should ensure that the curriculum is implemented effectively in all subjects so that pupils remember the important content of the curriculum that the school intends.
• Some pupils have limited knowledge of some aspects of the PSHE curriculum, such as how to maintain an active lifestyle and keep physically and mentally healthy. This leaves them less well prepared for life in modern Britain. The school should ensure that pupils fully understand all aspects of the school's programme for pupils' personal development.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.